Korrik 14, 2016 Live from the road

Gammel Rye - Viborg

Reported by Anadya Engelbrechtsen, Harita Davies 90.0 km

Our second day in Denmark started with breakfast back with our good friends from Vrads Sande Meditation Centre. Thank you so much for welcoming us all so whole heartedly!

Vores anden dag i Danmark startede med morgenmad hos vores gode venner fra Vrads Sande Meditations Center. Mange tak for at modtage os så hjerteligt!

On the road we were called on the telephone for an interview on the radio with P4 Siesta. Here is a link to the clip: https://youtu.be/MfLYTq-LgHw

Undervejs blev vi ringet op og interviewet live i radioen på P4 Siesta. Her er et link til udsendelsen: https://youtu.be/MfLYTq-LgHw

As we ran north, we saw beautiful scenery along the way.

Vi nød det fine landskab mens vi løb nordpå.

Shyamala enjoying running in Denmark.

Shyamala nød at løbe i Danmark.

After a beautiful day of running, we arrived at the Gymnastik og Idrætshøjskolen Viborg.

Efter en smuk løbedag, ankom vi på Gymnastik og Idrætshøjskolen Viborg.

Here there is an incredibly situated race track. We saw some super fit young athletes training.

Her ses det utroligt smukke atletikstadion, hvor super fitte unge atleter trænede da vi ankom.

The Gymnastik og Idrætshøjskolen Viborg is a very dynamic place and holds many programmmes for all different ages of participants. When we visited, there was a large group of parents, grandparents and children present.

Gymnastik og Idrætshøjskolen Viborg er et meget dynamisk sted, hvor der gives mange kurser til mange forskellige aldersgrupper. Da vi besøgte dem var der en stor gruppe af forældre med børn.

We were invited to enjoy a delicious feast with all the participants.

Vi blev inviteret til at deltage i deres store festmåltid.

After dinner we gave a brief presentation about the Peace Run to all our new friends.

Efter maden lavede vi en kort præsentation af Peace Run for vores nye venner.

Everyone was enthusiastic to take part.

Alle deltog entusiastisk.

Now that is peace!

Det er fred!

Everyone was happy to hold the torch.

Vi lod selvfølgelig faklen gå rundt.

And finally it was time to run!!

Så blev det endelig tid til at løbe!!

These kids were fast runners!

De børn var rigtigt hurtige løbere!

Thank you so much to the peace lovers of all ages from Gymnastik Idraetshojskolen Viborg for your enthusiastic participation in the Peace Run!

Tusind tak til alle fredselskere i alle aldre fra Gymnastik og Idrætshøjskolen Viborg for jeres entusiastiske deltagelse i Peace Run!

The prayer of the centuries
Is for the flowering
Of a oneness-peace-heart-world.
-Sri Chinmoy

Århundrednes bøn
er til blomstringen
af en enheds-freds-hjerte-verden.
-Sri Chinmoy

Torch carried by
Abhinabha Tangerman (Netherlands), Amur Bašić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Anadya Engelbrechtsen (Denmark), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Marlen Bernhard (Germany), Nitish Zuidema (Netherlands), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Purna-Samarpan Querhammer (Germany), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain).  
Accompanied by  
Madhurima Iris Engelbrechtsen
Harita Davies, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 90.0 km from Gammel Rye to Viborg.

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