Korrik 14, 2016 Live from the road

Khilok - Khokhotuy

Reported by Irina Pobeda 80.0 km

Khilok citizens are seeing the team off

Хилок провожает нас

A warm farewell with the head of Khilok village V.A.Kudrik

Теплое прощание с главой городского поселения Кудриком В.А.

We are grateful to Svetlana Plyaskina

Наша благодарность Светлане Пляскиной

Good bye, Khilok!

До свидания, Хилок!

Khilok doesn't want to let us go!

Долгие проводы! Хилок не хочет нас отпускать!

Aigul is running

На трассе Айгуль Комелькова

Beauty of Zabaikalsky region

Красоты Забайкалья

The monument to road construction workers of Ulan-Ude-Chita road

Памятник строителям дороги Улан-Удэ-Чита

Spontaneous meetings on the road

Встречи на трассе

Running in Khilok village. In Buryat language it means "white birch tree".

Бежим по с. Хохотуй. Это в переводе с бурятского «белая береза»

By the local recreation center

Возле дома культуры

Torch carried by
Aigul Komelkova (Russia), Alexey Kondratyev (Russia), Anna Tokareva (Russia), Denis Zabelin (Russia), Dmitriy Shadrin (Russia), Elena Voronkova (Russia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Irina Pobeda (Russia), Lyubov Vladykina (Russia), Sergey Stasevich (Russia), Svetlana Khisamutdinova (Russia), Victor Zabelin (Russia), Vladislav Likhachev (Russia).  
Aigul Komelkova, Vladislav Likhachev
The torch has travelled 80.0 km from Khilok to Khokhotuy.

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