Korrik 18, 2016 Live from the road

Oslo - Holmenkollen, Oslo

Reported by Shyamala Stott

We started our day outside the Nobel Peace Centre by Oslo harbour. Then began a lovely run through Oslo.

Nayaja was celebrating her birthday today :-) Happy Birthday Nayaja!

Oslo Palace.

Soon our route started to head uphill towards Holmenkollen Ski Jump.

It was a warm day so we appreciated our rest stops!

How many Peace runners does it take to tie some shoe laces?
(is too jet lagged to figure it out!)

Finally we make it up to Holmenkollen :)

It's a beautiful view back over the city!

Oslo is a special city for us Peace Runners as it is fortunate to be the permanent home to The Eternal Peace Flame. This flame was lit by our founder and inspiration Sri Chinmoy in 2001 and has been burning bright since.

We met with Sri Chinmoy's dear friend Pal Moen. He was instrumental in arranging for the flame to be moved here from it's original location in Oslo Harbour. He is an excellent guitarist and folk singer so he treated us to a Sweedish folk song about Peace.

We really can't express just how grateful we are to Pal that The Eternal Peace Flame, and later a statue of Sri Chinmoy, can enjoy such a beautiful setting.

We were so happy that Laara Stinnerbon came to play his flute and drum for us. He is from the Sami Culture. The Sami people have a very old tradition/culture and and they live far in the North of Norway.

Thank-you to Lillian Torjusson for being present. She is an artist who is organising a Peace Festival near Oslo in October.

We each passed the Peace torch and took time to add our own wishes. This is Pal and his wife.

The view is breathtaking and the feeling of peace is truly powerful.

We will leave Oslo with our Peace Run torch burning brighter. To run here on our 7 month journey and visit a place where we are reminded of Sri Chinmoy's vision and inspiration was a moving experience for many of us.

There was a lot to take photo's of today!!

A few visitors passing by stopped to take time to hold the torch.

We can't remember this ladies name but she was a keen runner from Los Angeles. We hope we see you and some running friends in 2018 when we pass through there again ;)

We couldn't leave Holmenkollen without taking a trip up the ski jump!

This must be an Amazingly free feeling if you have the heart for it!

You can't appreciate how steep it is until you are there!

One of our team members wants a roof like this!!

In the afternoon we had time for a little time out and enjoyed coffee and cake at the beautiful Fragrance of the Heart 2

Then we took time for a little sightseeing around beautiful Oslo.

Such a HUGE cruise ship!!!!

Torch carried by
Amur Bašić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Bayarkhuu Batbayar (Mongolia), Dina Simões (Portugal), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Marlen Bernhard (Germany), Martina Šimoníková (Czech Republic), Nayaja Perugini (Italy), Neelabha Šenkýřová (Czech Republic), Palash Bosgang (United States), Pratul Halper (Austria), Preetidutta Thorpe (New Zealand), Puruvaj Nikolic (Serbia), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain).  
Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov, Shyamala Stott

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