Gus. 7, 2016 Live from the road

Rauna - Riga

Reported by Dipavajan Renner 130.0 km

Good morning Latvia!

We started our day's journey joined by a group of Latvian runners...

...good old friends of the Peace Run...

..we arrived in Césis...

...we arrived at the old fortress...

...a special biking event was about to start. We were invited on stage and presented the Peace Run...

Thank you Césis for the nice welcome! of many caves near Sigulda...

...we arrived in Sigulda and took a nice lunch break... was time to reach the capital. Long km's of running on the highway. It sounds funny, but running was quite safe...

Riga - the capital of Latvia...

Ilia, our Russian runner, tried a stunt....

The old part of Riga - a most beautiful historic city...

...the Police was guiding us through the city...

...the National Monument...

Gints, our Latvian coordinator, read out a message of Mrs. Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the "Saeima", the Latvian Parliament.

Thank you for guiding us! we arrived at the final ceremony place, a downpour disturbed our plans...

...nevertheless, we cheerfully went through the program...

...we offered the Torch Bearer Award to three people, who contributed considerable to the community they are living in and inspired countless people:
(from left) Mr. Karlis Pakarklis is a former ultra distance runner and is now a dedicated photographer specialised on sports.
Mrs. Sarma Berzina is a pedagogue who devotes her life to children since more than 20 years.
Mrs. Agnese Kalnina is enhancing cooperative culture amongst people.

...and all spectators passed the torch...

..a new friend from China!

Thank you Riga for the heartfelt meeting!

Our Latvian runner friends said good bye to us. See you the next time!

We were accommodated and fed in the Hotel Baltvilla near Riga.

Thank you for your hospitality and for supporting the Peace Run!

Sunset in Riga at the Hotel Baltvilla...

Torch carried by
Dina Kamyda (Belarus), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Ilia Evdokimov (Russia), Irina Hagedorn (Germany), Latvian runners (Latvia), Peteris Seso (Latvia), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Reet Kuusk (Estonia), Sara Schmidt (Netherlands), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Ulvis Kassalietis (Latvia).  
Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 130.0 km from Rauna to Riga.

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