Gus. 10, 2016 Live from the road

Boston - Milville

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo, Sanaz Datubar 78.0 mi

Good morning Dedham!

The Dedham Country Day School started their last day of Camp by welcoming us.
We could feel the excitement for our visit which gave us lots of Joy!

These children were been visited for the first time by the Peace Run team. Everybody was eager to get to know everything about it.

We have team members from 10 different countries of 4 continents on our team.
And the children did a great job guessing them all right!

Singing the Peace Run and World Harmony Run songs are always a special part of our ceremonies. We experience many beautiful moments while singing with children. It is wonderful to connect with the kids by sharing Peace Run Founder Sri Chinmoy's songs about Peace and Harmony.

When we ask the children for another word for peace they almost always answer with harmony, love, happiness, calm and being kind to each other. And every kid knows that we can find these qualities and feelings inside our own hearts.

As we deeply appreciate each and every person who helps make our meetings with the kids possible, we presented to the Dedham Country Day School and the Horizon Day Camp our Certificate of Appreciation.

We offered Sri Chinmoy's painting entitled "Love the Children".

Everyone got to hold the torch to make a wish for World Peace. We ran a circle on the big play field.

We had a great time in Dedham Country Day School. We wish you all a great summer and hope to see you again!

One last picture with the local journalist.....

....goodbye and much gratitude to Sangati and all our friends and organisers, before we take off to run to our next meeting.

The men's team headed toward Conventry in Rhode Island, while the women's team made their way to the Cumberland Peace Bridge.

On April 13 1989 Francis R. Stetkiewicz Mayor of the City of Cumberland and Carlos A. Silva Mayor of the City of Central Falls met Sri Chinmoy in Cumberland and dedicated this Bridge to Peace. Sri Chinmoy declared it the worlds first Peace Blossom. Since this time thirty four towns and cities in Rhode Island have been dedicated as Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms, as well as five Peace Bridges and five Peace Miles. There is a Peace tree planted in each City of Rhode Island!

Today we met Mayor James Diossa on Cumberlands Peace Bridge. Mayor Diossa supports the Peace Run and repeatedly took the time to come out to talked to the team and receive the torch.
Rosa Decastillo, representing the Lieutenant Governors office, took part in the ceremony expressing her good will and support for us.

Former Police Chief Joseph Tavares spoke to us about the important role a humble attitude plays in understanding one another and creating a harmonious community.

We want to thank Mayor Diossa, Rosa Decastillo and Joseph Tavares for keeping the message of the Peace Bridge alive.

Dear friend and long time Rhode Island Coordinator Vijali Anctil set up many of our events for the day as well as playing an instrumental role in establishing all these Peace Monuments. Vijali's tireless service to the Peace Run over our 29 years of existence is deeply valued and appreciated. We are eagerly looking forward to the next 29 years. Gratitude.

Special thanks to Rhambha for coming up to meet the team from New York and for all the encouragement.

Also, thanks to Virangani for her kind and welcoming spirit always on display when the Peace Run comes through Rhode Island.

We continued our run to the Pawtucket Peace Bridge. We were welcomed by Rico, representing the Mayors office, Anthony, representing U.S. Congressman David Cicilline, and members of the cross country running team of Tolman High school with coach John Toth, and Shea High School with coach Rich Kucal.

Thank you to Anthony (left), U.S Congressman Civilline's representative
and Rico (right), from the mayors office.

Pawtucket Mayor Donald Grebien came soon after the team arrived at the Bridge.
He welcomed us wholeheartedly and assured us that as long as he is Mayor he will meet the team on behalf of the City of Pawtucket, and celebrated the cause of the Run with us.

Mayor Donald held the Torch and passed it to the Young runners (Alex holding the torch, Mike red shirt, Julio black shirt, Darian grey shirt) who joined the team, escorted by the Police to City Hall.

After a stretch of 4.5 miles we arrived at City Hall.
Good job runners!

A big thank you to Coach John for bringing the team and supporting them the whole way!

...and the Peace Run team is proud of you! Thank you for becoming a part of the team and all the best for your running careers.

Kris Craig came out to cover the story for the Providence Journal.
He has been a Marathon runner with a best time of under 3h 30min.

Today has been an eventful day, meeting so many Peace lovers and Peace dreamers.
Our Gratitude to everyone and a special thank you to all the organizers!

As the women's team made their way to City Hall, the men's team arrived at the Southern RI Coventry Recreation Center.

The staff and children had worked together to make beautiful peace doves for our arrival.

About 70 children were so enthusiastic about our event. They even made a huge Peace sign for us.

Feeling peace in the heart is always a great experience with the children.

We taught them one of our songs with accompanying actions which children always love to participate in.

Children get to judge our skits which we perform to demonstrate peaceful or non-peaceful behavior.

The children also love to guess which countries we are from with many clues that we provide them.

Sharani, our local coordinator, offers to the Center a colorful reproduction of a peace painting on a plaque by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

The children were eager to go outdoors and run on the 'Peace Train', a mini peace run around the schoolyard.

Everyone had a chance to hold the torch and make a wish for peace or offer a kind thought to pass on.

Gratitude to Sharani for arranging this wonderful group of peace-loving children and adults.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Ashadeep Volkhardt (Australia), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Oliveria Lopez (France), Pierre Lantuas (France), Puroga Theobald (Hungary), Sanaz Datubar (Iran), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal), Tavishi Matthews (Australia), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada).  
Harita Davies, Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 78.0 mi from Boston to Milville.

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