Shta. 6, 2016 Live from the road

Myrtleford - Benalla

Reported by Sukhajata Cranfield 80.0 km

Myrtleford P-12 College prepared some poems about peace.

"Peace is a small word that means a lot
it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise
trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of
those things and still be calm in your heart..."
by Dusty Poulton

"...But can't we have different beliefs,
And stop causing each other grief,
Can't we come together?
Can't we just have peace?"
by Liam Morgan

"Peace is where we are in harmony and when people think that they are of equal value of each other, not more important than someone, or less important..."
by Declan

"...Everyone getting along and being allowed to be friends with whoever they like. No one is born with a label but rather given one after birth from their parents or on lookers. Peace is everyone acting with humanity, helping each other, and getting along...Everyone has peace in their heart we just need to find it"
by Amy G

Adella's poem reads "Peace is love. Peace is kindness. Peace is heart-warming to the finest."

Ashlyn's poems on Peace:
" Calm, safe.
Helping, meeting,learning.
Always positive and happy" and a haiku:
"Calm,quiet relax
No war, No fights, No battle
Nothing but silence"

Oxley Primary School

Glenrowan Primary School

A fine day for running in the countryside to Benalla.

Many thanks to Di at Comfort Inn Benalla for providing great accommodation for the team tonight.

Torch carried by
Abhinandan Willis (Australia), Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Daniel Rubin (South Africa), Sukhajata Cranfield (New Zealand).  
Sukhajata Cranfield
The torch has travelled 80.0 km from Myrtleford to Benalla.

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