Shta. 7, 2016 Live from the road

Irshansk - Troshcha

Reported by Rasmivan Collinson 135.0 km

Our first meeting with the students of Irshansk. The runners were warmly welcomed and we met some of the students who ran with us the previous evening.

The lighting of the torch at the beginning of the day assisted my the head teacher of the school.

Handing over the torch to the head teacher of the school ...

And without any hesitation she does a lap of honour with the torch. The students cheer her on.

The children using the actions for the World Harmony Run song.

All smiles as they hold the torch.

The representatives of the district and town hold the torch.

The children running out of Irshansk.

We say our fond farewells to them all at the border of Irshansk.

Running into the local school of Toporyschche.

Thumbs up for the World Harmony Run song. The children love it so much when we teach them the actions for the song.

"We are the oneness and fullness ... :

The heart of Ukraine.

The smile of Ukraine.

The food of Ukraine!

The team of Ukraine.

The school in Chernayakhiv.

Handing over the torch to the principal of the school.

Roman is overwhelmed with flowers from a little boy.

Thank you so much for hosting the team and feeding the runners with fresh, organic food from the region.

Meeting at the border of Zhytomyrskyi.

This traditional bread was intricately decorated - and it's all edible!

Passing over the torch from one district to another.

Sunshine running!

Entering the local school in Oliivka.

The principal holds the torch.

We give a surprise visit to an English class. Rasmivan gets a chance to speak and learn some English.

Wonderful singing performances at this small school.

The thumb of the torch of the actions to the World Harmony Run song.

And they are all eager to hold the torch.

A small school with a big heart and bigger smiles.

Running into the city of Zhytomyr.

Running into the square.

Awarding Certificates of Appreciation to Chief of Sport and Youth Department of region and of city.

Awarding of Torch-Bearer Award ...

To Khilchenko Adam Ivanovich - Director of Sport for All in Zhytomyr region for his great contribution of Peace Run in his region.

A local policeman tests our driving knowledge - Devashishu passes the test.

Meeting at the border of Romanivskyi district. The bread we are receiving is getting bigger!

Local runners join us in the heat of the afternoon. Blue skies and all sunshine.

Another meeting at the border of Chudniv district.

Bread with fruit!

Passing over the torch to the chief of the district.

Mexican hug to a local Ukranian girl.

At every regional border we are joined by young people wanting to greet us and run with us.

Meeting of some local children who unexpectedly bump into our runners. It made their day to meet us and hold the torch.

Unexpected meeting with more children.

A beautiful smile.

Chudniv local school.

Torch-Bearer Award awarded to ...

Domashenko Pavlo Pavlovych - Chief of Chudniv district council for great contribution of Peace Run in his district.

Yarygin Petro Ivanovych - Chief of Chudniv district administration for great contribution of Peace Run in his district.

Principal of Chudniv local school.

Running in Vilshanka.

Group photo at the end of the evening.

We continue our run through rural Ukraine and every few kilometers the children from the local villages greet us and run out of the village with us.

Evening sunshine running.

Village life ...

Life is far simpler here out in the countryside and the runners enjoy the evening sunshine.

More children await for the runners at the next village.

Even the cow ran with the runners.

Peace and serenity in the countryside.

After a long and enjoyable day we arrive at our final destination of our accommodation at the children's camp in Troshcha.

The warmth of a hug. They gave flowers to the girls.

Torch carried by
Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Dmitry Chefranov (Belarus), Drishalu Grunstaudl (Austria), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Oliveria Lopez (France), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Roman Esterka (Czech Republic), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Ukrainian Runners (Ukraine), Viliam Segeda (Slovakia), Vukasin Nikolic (Serbia), Yashodevi Samar (Ukraine), Yuri Khraputsky (Belarus).  
Roman Esterka, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 135.0 km from Irshansk to Troshcha.

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