Shta. 8, 2016 Live from the road

Troshcha - Sosny

Reported by Rasmivan Collinson 107.0 km

Our day started once again in glorious sunshine. Our first meeting of the day was at the Troshcha local school.

The children greeted the runners with big smiles.

The principal of the school warmly welcomed the runners.

A moment of peace and harmony.

Yashodevi leads the children singing the World Harmony Run song.

Moment holding the torch.

The children run out of the school with the runners.

A final group photo before we say goodbye to Troshcha.

The simplicity of country life.

Meeting at border of Berduchivskyi district.

The passing of the torch from one representative of a district to another at the border of Vinnitska region.

The workers at the local hospital came out to greet the runners.

We are joined by students to run into their school in Ulaniv.

An enthusiastic welcome from their classmates.

High five me!

I'm recording and photographing everything you do and say ...

The principal of the school is delighted to hold the torch ...

And so are the students.

Thank you so much for the wonderful cookies and tea.

Time for a few selfies.

We are joined by the local priest.

Dorosh Mykola Nykyforovich Principal of school of Voronyvtci for his great contribution of local community.

The local priest led the runners and students out from the school.

The streets are lined with children waving the runners on.

And taking photos of course.

Even the smallest children cheered the runners on.

At the city border of Khmilnyk.

The Ukrainian flags are getting larger.

Blue skies and yellow sunshine.

Lovely gardening weather.

Running into the main city square of Khmilnyk.

The receiving of the traditional bread for guests.

Handing over the torch to Deputy Mayor of Khmilnyk.

Deputy Mayor of Khmilnyk leads the runners.

Laying of the flowers at the monument of national poet Taras Shevchenko.

More children line the street to high five the runners.

Group photo at Monument of National Hero Boghdan Hmelnytckyi.

Torch-Bearer Awarded presented to Deputy Mayor of Khmilnyk for his great contribution of Peace Run in his town.

Thank you for the local restaurant for a wonderful lunch.

The lunch rejuvenates the runners to keep running more kilometers towards Sosny.

All wait atop of a hill.

Meeting at the border of Litynskyi district.

Representatives from each district pass the torch onwards.

Ukranian motherly love.

The bread are getting more intricate.

We run into an amazing welcome at the entrance of Sosny.

It appeared the whole town came out to meet and greet the runners.

More giving of traditional bread and heart felt greetings.

We were presented with so many flowers to lay at the war memorial.

The laying of flowers at the war memorial.

The children were so happy and they gave the runners so much joy.

And the more senior members of the community were also full of happiness.

One gentleman had to do 10 push ups as he didn't follow the rules of the runners' country guessing game.

"And fullness of tomorrow's sun" actions of the World Harmony Run.

"World Harmony Run" action for the song - the thumb is the flame of the Peace torch.

No one wants to leave as we all mingle chatting to each other and taking photos.

Handing over the torch to the Mayor of Sosny.

Handing the torch to each other.

Our final run of the day with the local children of Sosny.

Torch carried by
Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Dmitriy Chefranov (Belarus), Dmitriy Kalutov (Ukraine), Drishalu Grunstaudl (Austria), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Maryna Pekhovych (Ukraine), Oliveria Lopez (France), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Roman Esterka (Czech Republic), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Ukrainian Runners (Ukraine), Viliam Segeda (Slovakia), Vukasin Nikolic (Serbia), Yashodevi Samar (Ukraine), Yuri Khraputsky (Belarus).  
Roman Esterka, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 107.0 km from Troshcha to Sosny.

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