Shta. 12, 2016 Live from the road

Orhei - Chișinău

Reported by Dipavajan Renner 95.0 km

We started our day in Orhei. The city representative carried the torch for some distance...

...we arrived at the high school "Ion Luca Caragiale" in Orhei. The principal and the students gave us a warm welcome...

...we presented the Peace Run to a selection of students...

...some of them were champions...

...the kids sang for us...

...and we received sweet "peace doves"...

Thank you Orhei for the nice welcome!

Susleni greeted the Peace Run!

..we arrived at the local primary school...

...two of our Moldavian team members origin from this village...

...some of their relatives also joined the meeting!

...we presented the torch to the principal...

...and the kids passed it once around the school...

Thank you Susleni for the enthusiastic welcome!

...our "local heroes" carried the torch out of Susleni...

...we reached Holercani. at noon. The heat was on...

...a brief presentation...

...and the school principal welcomed the torch...

Thank you Holercani for the fun!

...some of the kids joined us running out of the community...

Criuleni was ready for the Peace Run! There was a real road party going on as we arrived! lined up for High Five...

...and joined in running....

...more kids awaited us...

...together we reached Criuleni....

...a musical welcome...

...the governor of the region welcomed our team...

...our "Master of Ceremony"...

...and flowers for all! excellent dancing performance....

...and all the kids passed the torch...

Thank you Criuleni for the heartfelt welcome and all the hospitality! was time to continue...

...we passed through Slobozia Dușca. More kids lined up...

...and we continued our party...

...all the way until Vadul lui Vodă. Local athletes carried the torch into their community...

Thank you Vadul lui Vodă!

...almost in Chișinău...

...we finally reached the capital. As we arrived on the main square, a small but heartfelt meeting took place...

Mrs. Cristina Vasilianov, General Secretary of the National Olympics and Sports Committee, received the torch with kind words...

Mr. Constantin Negura, General Secretary of the Athletics Federation of Republic of Moldova, attended the meeting as well.

Happy birthday!

...time for a group picture...

Thank you Chișinău for the nice welcome!

Torch carried by
Adrian Papuc (Romania), Constantin Crudu (Moldova), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Drsalu Grünstäudl (Austria), Gheorghe Cebotaru (Moldova), Goga Petrovcic (Croatia), Igor Rotari (Moldova), Ion Frunza (Moldova), Liubovi Suhova (Moldova), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Mananyu Siffert (Austria), Marat Koff (Ukraine), Natalia Morozovich (Ukraine), Oliveria Lopez (France), Radu Budan (Moldova), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Vasiliy Mamotenko (Ukraine), Viliam Segeda (Slovakia), Vladimir Ivanov (Moldova), Yashodevi Samar (Ukraine).  
Accompanied by  
Rashid Bortijev
Mananyu Siffert, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 95.0 km from Orhei to Chișinău.

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