Shta. 24, 2016 Live from the road

Kavadartsi - Krivogashtani

Reported by Dipavajan Renner 79.0 km

We started the day in Kavadartsi. performed acrobatics on the main square...

...a quick presentation...

...the community representative received the torch...

...and together with local runners we went on. Thank you Kavadartsi for the welcome! was grape-season!

...tons over tons of grapes were harvested...

...after a scenic run we reached Prilep...

...running into the city...

...the mayor of Prilep welcomed us with kind words...

...and he gave us the "grand tour" through the city hall. Prilep is a very historic city with many interesting sites!

Thank you Prilep for the heartfelt welcome!

...approaching the mountains...

Krivogashtani was ready to receive the Peace Run!

...a group of kids awaited us eagerly and warmed up for the Run! we go!

...a very nice welcome at the main square...

The mayor of Krivogashtani received the torch...

...and he passed it on to all the kids...

..great refreshments for all...

..and another local tour for the torch...

Thank you Krivogashtani for the great meeting!

Torch carried by
Atul Arora (India), Daniel Ignovski (North Macedonia), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Drsalu Grünstäudl (Austria), Ekalabhya Bozinov (North Macedonia), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Ilia Evdokimov (Russia), Koce Nikchevski (North Macedonia), Ljupco Mirchevski (North Macedonia), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Marko Mihajlov (North Macedonia), Oliveria Lopez (France), Rasmivan Collinson (Great Britain), Sarveshvara Dabič (North Macedonia), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Todorka Petrovska (North Macedonia), Vladko Velichkovski (North Macedonia).  
Gordana Petrovčić, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov
The torch has travelled 79.0 km from Kavadartsi to Krivogashtani.

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