Shta. 25, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Suren Suballabhason 10.0 km

The Peace Run is in Iceland for two days, on its way to Greenland for the first time! Today, as we were participating in a local race, we literally ran into newly elected President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, who had also run in the race.

Sri Chinmoy heimseiningar friðarhlaupið er á Íslandi í tveggja daga stoppi áður en haldið er til Grænlands. Í dag tókum við þátt í Hjartadagshlaupinu og rákumst á Forseta Íslands, Guðna Th. Jóhannesson.

The President led the Peace Runners and all the runners from the race on loop around the track for peace.

Forsetinn var í fararbroddi er við hlupum hring á brautinni fyrir frið.

The President and Sarvodaya together. They ran neck to neck to finish the race.

Forsetinn ásamt Sarvodaya, en þeir hlupu hlið við hlið yfir endalínuna.

Afterwards, we passed to Torch to the runners, who added their wishes for peace and kind thoughts for Greenland.

Á eftir var friðarkyndillinn látinn ganga manna á milli sem lögðu fram sínar óskir um frið og góðar óskir til Grænlands.

The Team with presenter Heimir.

Liðið ásamt Heimi kynni.

The winners for both distances, 5km and 10km, with the Peace Torch.

Sigurvegararnir í báðum vegalengdum 5km og 10km, með friðarkyndilinn.

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Bozidar (Bulgaria), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hridananda Ramón (Colombia), Hristo Hristov (Bulgaria), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Palash Bosgang (United States), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Prapti Jensen (Canada), Sarvodaya Grygoryivskyy (Ukraine), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland), Vasko Jovanov (North Macedonia).  
Apaguha Vesely, Vasko Jovanov
The torch has travelled 10.0 km in Kópavogur.

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