Shta. 28, 2016 Live from the road

Eceabat - Zeytinlikoy

Reported by Devashishu Torpy 35.0 km

The Peace Run returns to Turkey in one of our favourite regions - Cannakale

We begin our running in the town of Eceabat near Gallipoli

We are pursued by a cameraman

Our kind hosts in the region of Cannakale are documenting our visit

We catch the ferry that links with the Turkish island of Gokceada

Our coordinator Ondra from the Czech Republic tells us the plan for the day

At a school in Gokceada - the main village on the island

These students play football, volleyball and basketball and are learning German and English.

There are many beautiful cafes in Cannakale

Our International Executive Director finds solace in 'colouring in' books

The cafe owners hold the torch

Our next school is in Yenibademi to the north of the island

Our Bulgarian runner gives the children some clues as to which nation he is from

These beautiful origami birds are gifts to the Turkish children from children in Russia

Tea-time at school

Our final run for the day leads us towards Zeytinlikoy

Up the hill ....

Into the tiny old Greek village

The interviewer points out that 100 years ago Salil's countrymen (Salil is from Australia) came here to Gallipoli to fight with the Turks and now he is coming here to bring a message of Peace. Salil remarks that now we are seeing how much humanity cherishes Peace and Friendship - and how forgiveness and oneness have prevailed.

Running on the ragged rocks.

A quiet moment in the evening to contemplate the week ahead

And a feast fit for a king!

A wonderful end to a glorious day

Torch carried by
Anna Khimchinskaia (Russia), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Dmitriy Shadrin (Russia), Gulenay Raban Tekin (Turkey), Ondřej Mocný (Czech Republic), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sravana Novikova (Russia), Svetlana Perevozchikova (Russia), Vijayanta Viglov (Bulgaria), Vladyslav Bilokryl (Ukraine), Zinajida Palik (Moldova).  
Vladyslav Bilokryl
The torch has travelled 35.0 km from Eceabat to Zeytinlikoy.

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