Shta. 28, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Shyamala Stott 5.0 km

Today was another beautiful fresh morning in Nuuk! We started at Atuarfiat Hans Lynge: a lovely new school in Nuussuaq.

En smuk morgen i Nuuk! Vi begyndte i Atuarfiat Hans Lynge - en fin ganske ny skole i Nuussuuaq.

Practicing our penguin waddle. In up to 7 (yes seven) layers of clothing it's not so hard for some of us!

Vi øvede igen vores pingvin trin - for at holde varmen.. eftersom vi har 7 lag af tøj på er det ikke så svært!

Prapti is full of warm smiles :-)

Prapti har mange varme smiler :-)

The actions for the World harmony Run song are extra fun to do in Greenland as it´s an excellent chance to jump around and generate a little warmth.

Det er ekstra sjovt at synge vores World Harmony Run sang - fordi den har bevægelser og man kan holde varmen!

The children enjoy it too!

Børnene kan også godt lide den!

Always a happy Manchester United fan wherever you go in the world!

Man finder altid nogle Manchester United fans - ligemeget hvor i verden man er!

And time to RUN!!! These kids are great runners!

Tid til at løbe!!! Der var nogle super løbere!

Passports at the ready.

Passene er klar!

I'm looking for America.....

Jeg leder efter Amerika....

All smiles with a Peace Run pass.

Glade pasholdere!

Africa to visit!

Jeg er på vej til Afrika ...

Laufey makes some more Greenland friends :)

Laufey får nogle nye Grønlandske venner :-)

Making a wish for peace.

Goodbye Hans Lynge! Thank-you for your enthusiasm!

Farvel Hans Lyne skole! Tak for jeres entusiasme!

A picture for the school 'Peace I Feel'

En gave til skolen: "Peace i feel"

The view heading back to Nuuk.

Udsigten på vej tilbage til Nuuk

We are surrounded by water here.

Man kan altid se vandet...

And many many colorful houses!

og mange farverige huse!

Our 2nd school today was Nuussuup Atuarfiat.

Skole nummer to i dag var Nuussuup Atuarfiat

With the beautiful Sermitsiaq in the background.

Med det smukke bjerg, Sermitsiaq, i baggrunden

We started with grades 1 to 3.

Vi startede med 1.-3. klasser

Feeling peace in the heart.

Fred i hjertet

Making a wish for peace.

Et ønske for fred

And adding smiles too.

med smil på...

YAY - it´s my turn now!!!

Så er det min tur!

Laufey leads us all off on a lap of the playground.

Laufey løber en runde i skolegården sammen med børnene

Palash is trying not to look too freezing cold.

Palash prøver se godt ud .... hun fryser "ikke"

Grades 1 to 3 wave us off with their passports!

Børnene i 1.-3. klasse viser sit Peace Run pas

and some hugs!

Vi fik mange krammer!

Where else do you win Polar Bear trophies?

Hvor ellers i verden kan man vinde et isbjørns trofæ?

A reminder we have a lot of Greenland to visit when we come back!

En påmindelse om at vi stadigvæk mangler at besøge en stor del af Grønland!

Lets throw a Polar Bear.....!

Lad os lige kaste en isbjørn ... !



Out of sight is another 30 children trying to get their passport stamped for Europe. Shyamala nearly has to call for help to control the excited crowd.......!!

... Udtrykker viser at Shyamala har nok brug for lidt hjælp. Det billedet ikke viser er at der står 30 børn og venter på sit Europa stempel

A hug is never far away in Greenland :)

Det er nemt at få et knus i Grønland

Proud passport holders in 4th to 7th grade.

Stolte pas - ejere i 4. til 7. klasse

After lunch we met the 8th to 10th graders

Efter frokost mødte vi 8.-10. klasse

Holding the Peace Torch high!

De fik også lov til at holde Peace Run fakkelen!

Our final farewell to the pupils of Nuussuup Atuarfiat. Thank-you for welcoming us for the day :)

Sidste farvel til eleverne i Nuussuup Atuarfiat. Tak for jeres varme velkomst!

Thank-you also to the Vice Principle for a lovely tour of the school and for teaching the team how to say 'Peace begins with me' in Greenlandic. We will try it out tomorrow!

Tak til vice-skolelederen som gav os en skøn rundvisning på skolen. Og tak fordi han lærte os at sige 'Fred starter med mig' på grønlandsk... Vi prøver det i morgen!

Nuuk is so spectacular. Most houses would appear to have an amazing view!

Nuuk er helt spektakulær! Alle huse har sikkert en helt fantastisk udsigt!

Hans Egede - the 1st European settler in Greenland. He now holds a commanding view of the town.

Hans Egede - den første europæiske nybygger i Grønland. Han har nu sin permanente plads midt i byen

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hridananda Ramón (Colombia), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Marc Voelckner (Germany), Palash Bosgang (United States), Prapti Jensen (Canada), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland).  
Apaguha Vesely, Shyamala Stott
The torch has travelled 5.0 km in Nuuk.

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