Shta. 29, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Harita Davies, Laufey Haraldsdottir, Suren Suballabhason 8.0 km

Our third day in Greenland began with three meetings of children from 1st to 10th Grade at Ukailusaq School.

Vores tredje dag i Nuuk - og der var 3 grupper der ventede os på Ukaliusaq skole

Everywhere you look in Nuuk you see colours!

Nuuk er en virkelig farverig by!

The children all around Nuuk are so sweet!

Børnene i Nuuk er så søde!

Passing the Peace Torch which has been held by millions of children all around the world.

Disse børn holder fakkelen som millioner af børn i verden også har holdt

Running with the torch is always the most popular part of the Ceremony!

Børnene er ret vilde med at løbe med fakkelen.. det er noget de glæder sig til..

One big happy family!

En stor glad familie!

It is a hard life being so popular!

Det kan være svært at være så populær...!

Feeling peace in our hearts.

Fred i hjertet

Palash terrorizes Harita to demonstrate to the bemused children what is NOT peace.

Palash mobber Harita for at demonstrere hvad harmoni ikke er... børnene syntes det var meget morsomt!

The kids are all so eager to follow any jumping lead.

Børnene hopper med på alle mulige aktiviteter!

The passport game has been a big hit in Greenland!

Børnene i Grønland har været meget glade for at lege vores Pas-leg

Passport to peace!

Et freds-pas

The whole world in our hands!

Vi har verden i vores hænder!

"We have been everywhere!"

"Vi har løbet rundt hele verden!"

The teachers also loved the chance to share their wishes for peace.

Lærerne var også glade for muligheden for at sende ønsker for fred med fakkelen.

We gave cups and Jharna Kala paintings by Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy, to each school. This painting is entitled "Peace is Precious".

Vi har givet hver skole og nogle af lærerne Peace Run kopper og Jharna Kala maleri - som Sri Chinmoy malede. Denne hedder "Peace is Precious" .

A small church along the way.

En lille kirke på vejen

A team shot, cold but happy!

Et gruppebillede af et frysende men smilende hold!

Our next meeting of the day was to visit Inatsisartut, the Greenland Parliament, where members of the parliament came out to hold the Torch and share their wishes for peace in the world.

Efter skolebesøget mødte vi medlemmer af Grønlands parlament. De kom udenfor for at holde fakkelen og sende sine ønsker om fred i verden.

Ane Hansen, Iddimanngiiu Bianco, Kelly Berthelsen, Debora Kleist, Mimi Karlsen and Sara Olsvig from the party Inuit Ataqatigiit

Ane Hansen, Iddimanngiiu Bianco, Kelly Berthelsen, Debora Kleist, Mimi Karlsen and Sara Olsvig fra partiet Inuit Ataqitigiit

Michael Rosing and Justus Hansen from the Democrats

Michael Rosing and Justus Hansen fra Demokraterne

Jens-Erik Kirkegaard, Jess Svane, Ineqi Kielsen and Suka K. Frederiksen from the party Siumut.

Jens-Erik Kirkegaard, Jess Svane, Ineqi Kielsen and Suka K. Frederiksen fra partiet Siumut.

Per Rosing-Petersen, independent.

Per Rosing, uafhængig

Then we all ran together, led by Lars-Emil Johansen, the president of Inatsisartut.

De løb alle sammen i en gruppe, med formand for Inatsisartut (Parlamentet) forrest.

All the members of Inatsisartut held the Torch together, symbolizing their unity in working for peace.

Alle medlemmerne holdt fakkelen sammen for at symbolisere deres fælles arbejde for fred.

All the members of Inatsisartut were very relaxed and happy to meet with us. One member jokingly said that the reason it had taken the Peace Run nearly 30 years to visit Greenland was that there was already so much peace in Greenland!

Alle fra Parlamentet var afslappede og glade for at møde os. En af dem sagde for sjov at grunden til at det tog Peace Run næsten 30 år at komme til Grønland er at der allerede er så meget fred i Grønland!

All united in feeling peace in our hearts.

Alle tog sig tid til et øjebliks stilhed for fred

At the end of the ceremony, Múte Bourup Egede from Inuit Ataqitigiit joined us in sending his wishes of peace with the Torch.

Múte Bourup Egede fra Inuit Ataqitigiit,kom i slutningen og sendte fredsønsker i fredsfakkelen.

These local kids all ran with us from the Parliament steps to our next meeting at the City Hall with the Mayor of Nuuk, Asii Chemnitz Narup.

Disse lokale børn løb med os fra Parlamentet til Rådhuset hvor vi mødte Asii Chemnitz Narup.

We were grateful for the addition of the sweetness and enthusiasm of the children.

Vi var meget taknemmelige for børnenes glæde og entusiasme.

The Mayor, Asii Chemnitz Narup warmly welcomed the Peace Run and received the torch.

Vi fik en varm velkomst fra borgmester Asii Chemnitz Narup, som modtog fakkelen fra Peace Run løberne.

We were thrilled to dedicate the city of Nuuk as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossom Capital, joining peace capitals around the world such as Reykjavik, Iceland; Wellington, New Zealand and Ottawa, Canada.

Det var med stor glæde at vi Nuuk blev udnævt Hovedsted for fred, Sri Chinmoy-Peace Blossom, som 1000 andre byer, for eksempel Reykjavik Island, Ottowa Kanada og Wellington New Zealand

The plaque will find a permanent home in front of the Nuuk City Hall, An excerpt follows..."Nuuk is a city of unique beauty and wonder, as well as the Capital of Greenland, a Nation whose citizens have a deep love for peace and harmony.'

Skiltet får et permanent hjem udenfor rådhuset i Nuuk. Der er smuk tekst på skiltet, både på det lokale sprog og engelsk. "Nuuk har en unik skønhed og sæverdigheder, den er Grønlands hovedsted - hvis beboere har en dyb kærlighed for fred og harmoni."

We were deeply honored to present the Peace Run Torch Bearer award to Mayor Asii Chemnitz Narup. She leads the people of Nuuk with her warm heart, working tirelessly for the equality of different cultures in the Country, uniting the leaders in West and East Greenland as well as encouraging the citizens to work together and bring to the fore their common hope for the future of Greenland that unites them. Her warmth and compassion for her City and the whole Country really touched us all.

Det var en stor ære for os at give borgmester Asii Chemnitz Narup Peace Run Torch Bearer award. Hun leder Nuuks borgere med et stort varmt hjerte. Hun har arbejdet hårdt for ligestilling af forskellige kulturer i Grønland og for at forene ledere i vest- og øst Grønland. Hun opfordrer sine borgere til konstant at arbejde sammen og fremme sine fælles drømme om Grønlands fremtid og at bruge sine gode kvaliteter som alle har til fælles for at bygge en god fremtid. Den empati, varme og omsorg hun har over sig og for sine borgere rørte os alle dybt!

Mayor Asii Chemnitz Narup has a special love for children.

Borgmester Asii Chemnitz Narup har en særlig kærlighed for børnene.

A painting in the City Hall.

Et maleri inde i Rådhuset.

Mayor Asii Chemnitz Narup invited us in to the Meeting Room for refreshments, and spoke beautifully about her own concerns and love for peace.

Borgmester Asii Chemnitz Narup inviterede os ind i mødelokalet på Rådhuset til lidt forfriskninger og talte smukt om sine håb, bekymringer og ønsker for fred.

"I cannot imagine anything more important to wish for - or to celebrate; Peace. Peace inside each one of us– and peace in the world."
In Greenland we are living our daily lives surrounded by the sky, sea, mountains and ice. We live far away from most other countries – and even far away from one another because our country is so enormous in relation to its population. On the other hand I must say that we are lucky to live far away from war as well, and that’s something we need to appreciate.
Though peace is not just a matter of lack of war, peace is also a matter of freedom. Freedom to choose our own lives, Freedom of men and women´s equal rights. Equal rights in all matters. That’s the peace I value the most...and this is the peace I love the most.
Every voice trying to change the world into a more peaceful place is a warmly welcome voice. A voice calling for a better and more peaceful future for us all."

"Jeg kan ikke forestille mig noget andet mere vigtigt at ønske mig - eller fejre - end Fred. Fred i os alle og fred i verden.
I Grønland lever vi vores daglige liv omfavnet af himlen, vandet, bjergene og is. Vi bor langt væk fra de flest andre lande - og faktiskt langt væk fra andre i Grønland fordi vores land er så stort i forhold til populationen. På den anden side må jeg sige at vi også er heldige at bo langt fra krig også og det er noget vi må værdsætte - fred handler dog ikke kun om krig. Det handler ligeså meget om frihed. Frihed til at vælge vores liv. Hver og en af os. Mand eller kvinde. Ligestilling af alt og alle. Det er den fred jeg verdsætter højest.
Hver stemme som prøver at ændre verden til en mere fredelig verden er en varmt velkommen stemme. En stemme som kalder på en bedre og mere fredelig fremtid for os alle."

We were delighted to present to the City of Nuuk a painting by Sri Chinmoy entitled "Serve Humanity".

Vi var glade for at kunne give Nuuk by dette maleri af Sri Chinmoy som hedder "Serve Humanity"

...and a picture for Mayor Asii Chemnitz Narup, entitled "World Harmony".

... og borgmester Asii Chemnitz Narup fik et billede som hedder "World Harmony"

This was once a local walrus!

Der var en lokal hvalros

These beautiful tapestries by famous Greenlandic artist, Hans Lynge, adorn the walls of the City Hall and depict the history of Greenland.

Disse smukke vævede vægbilleder af den Grønlandske kunstner, Hans Lynge, smykket væggene i mødelokalet i Rådhuset og viste noget af Grønlands historie.

We finished the day by once again joining the local sports club, NSP, for a brisk run around the city.

Vi afsluttede dagen igen ved at løbe i den milde kulde med den lokale løbeklub, NSP, i byen

It is incredible what you can see running around the streets of Nuuk!

Udsigten under vores løbeture er helt unik!

Thank you once again for a beautiful and incredibly inspiring day in Greenland!!

Stort tak for endnu en utrolig smuk og inspirerende dag i Grønland!

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hridananda Ramón (Colombia), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Marc Voelckner (Germany), Palash Bosgang (United States), Prapti Jensen (Canada), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland).  
Apaguha Vesely
The torch has travelled 8.0 km in Nuuk.

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