Tet. 2, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Laufey Haraldsdottir, Marc Voelckner 10.0 km

Doing prep for the evening in the morning. "Can you help me? Or do I need to "persuade" you!"

Aftensmads-madlavning om morgenen! Vil du hjælpe mig? Eller skal jeg "overtale" dig...?

On Sunday the team went on a hike up to Store Malene or Big Marlene from where you have a fantastic view over Nuuk, the fjord and the surrounding peninsulas and islands.

Om søndagen tog holdet op på Store-Malene hvorfra man har fantastisk udsigt over Nuuk, fjoredn og øerne omkring.

Harita, Suren and in the back Niels our guide from the local running club.

Harita, Suren og Niels, vores guide fra den lokale løbeklub.

We are passing Nuuk's drinking water supply.

Nuuk´s drikkevand..

It was rocky and some section even a bit icy.

Der var mange store sten og is ...

Great smiles.

Store smiler....

Enjoying the first view.

Alle tog sig tid til at nyde udsigten.

Stone surfer


Human surfer


Nuuk from half way up.

Sådan ser Nuuk ud halvvejs op Store-Malene

Harita enjoying the first rays of sun.

Harita nyder de første solstråler.

Looking north onto the fjord and the surrounding mountains.

Et blik mod nord - ind fjorden og over bjergene...

Looking east.

Et blik mod øst

Finally reaching the top.

Endelig på toppen!

The team and Niels with the torch on the summit.

Niels og Peace Run holdet på bjergtoppen!

Well done boys!

Godt gået drenge!

Canada and Scotland sharing a moment.

Kanada og Skotland nyder øjeblikket på toppen

Palash sliding downhill.

Palash på vej ned

"This is fun - in a weird way"

Det er sjovt... på en underlig måde..

Crossing the bridge.

på vej over broen.

Meeting the surfer again.

Surferen igen!

Near the drink water reservoir.

drikkevandet igen...

Yeah, we made it! Congrats girls!

Vi gjorde det! Tillykke piger!

Looking back up on Store Marlene.

Et kig tilbage på Store-Malene.

Thank you Niels for being such a wonderful companion and guide.

Tusind tak Niels for dit skønne selskab og for at være en fantastisk guide

The mountain across the bay from Nuuk. The one we did not dare to climb.

Bjerget som man ser på den ene side af Nuuk. Vi turde ikke op på det... måske næste gang...!

Northern lights covering the sky in the evening.

Endnu engang .... en meget smuk himmel..

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hridananda Ramón (Colombia), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Marc Voelckner (Germany), Palash Bosgang (United States), Prapti Jensen (Canada), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland).  
Apaguha Vesely, Harita Davies, Marc Voelckner, Shyamala Stott
The torch has travelled 10.0 km in Nuuk.

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