Tet. 3, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Harita Davies, Laufey Haraldsdottir

This morning we had our last school visit in Greenland, Kangillinguit School.

I morges havde vi vores sidste skolebesøg i Grønland, Kangillinguit.

This is Lea's school, so we were all so happy to see her one last time!

Det var Leas skole, så vi var rigtigt glade for at se hende en sidste gang.

For our presentation today, we had the kids guess our countries by singing national songs. The kids were surprisingly good at figuring them out! They could tell Shyamala is from Scotland...

Til vores sidste præsentation, sang vi en sang fra vores lande og bad børnene om at gætte hvor de var fra. De gjorde de rigtigt godt og gættede alt rigtigt. De vidste udmærket godt at Shyamala kom fra Skotland, efter hendes danse optræden...

And Jwalanta is from Germany...

... og de kendte Jwalantas tyske sang...

They even figured that Apaguha is from Czech Republic!

De gættede endda at Apaguha er fra Tjekkiet!

We are so grateful that by the end of our stay, approximately 1300 Greenlandic children held the Peace Torch and offered their hopes and dreams for peace, joining millions of children from over 150 countries around the globe.

Vi er så taknemmelige for hvor mange børn holdt fredsfakkelen, omkring 1,300 grønlandske børn - og alle sendte et ønske om fred i verden, ligesom millioner af børn rundt i verden også har gjort.

The passport game of collecting stamps from the continents of the world was a real hit with the kids here!

Børnene på denne skole kunne også godt lide kontinent-legen.

Children always love to run!

De kunne godt lide at løbe..!

Our last group photo...

Sidste gruppebilledet...

And the last painting by Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy we offered to a school in Greenland, this one entitled "Love the Children".

Det sidste maleri som vi gav, malet af Sri Chinmoy, hedder "Love the Children".

Lea came out of her classroom into the freezing courtyard with no shoes to hold the Peace Torch one last time- luckily she got a lift back, as usual smiling all the way!

Lea løb ud i skolegården - fra en klassetimme - uden sko på - for at holde fredsfakkelen en sidste gang. Hun fik heldigvis et lift tilbage.. og smilet var på hele tiden!

Our last adventure in Greenland was a spectacular boat trip up Kapisillit Fjord which was most generously offered to us by Tupilak Travel Company.

Et sidste eventyr ventede os - en sejltur ind Kapisillit Fjord, som det fantastiske rejsebureau, Tupilak Travel, inviterede på. Utroligt generøst - og det blev en fantastisk tur!

It was a photographers paradise!

Det var et paradis for vores fotografer...

We bundled up with every possible layer!

Vi tog så meget varmt tøj på som muligt!

The first of many incredible icebergs which float down the fjord from nearby glaciers, slowly melting until they completely merge with the vastness of the ocean.

En af de utrolige isbjerge som flyder i fjorden fra glacierne. De smelter så småt i vandet ...

A particularly large iceberg. Incredibly, only 10% of the whole iceberg is visible from above the water!

Et kæmpe isbjerg. Man ser kun 10% af isbjerget - 90% er under vandet.

Apaguha bought along a drone especially to capture footage of this incredible landscape.

Apaguha tog en drone med for at fotografere og filme dette vidunderlige landskab!

We had to drag ourselves away from the spectacular scenery to come inside and warm up every now and then- inside the boat was tropical in comparison to outside!

Vi måtte tvinge os indenfor engang imellem for at få varmen - det var helt tropiskt varmt indenfor i forhold til at stå udenfor

Our skillful captain, Jørgen.

Vores dygtige kaptajn, Jørgen.

We went to a small seaside village called Qoornoq, which was once home to around 300 people, but is now only inhabited during the summer months by people on holiday and children's camps.

Vi gik i land i en lille by, Qoornoq, hvor der boede omkring 300 mennsker for nogle årtier siden. Nu er der kun folk på sommerophold og sommerlejr.

Jørgen steered the boat right up to this rock and we jumped off the front!

Jørgen styrede båden helt op mod stenen og vi hoppede på.

Our enthusiastic guide, Pauline, with a local Greenlandic man who was building a summer house.

Vores entusiastiske guide, Pauline, med en lokal Grønlandsk mand som var i byen for at bygge et sommerhus.

Many of the houses here are powered by sun and wind!

Mange af husene i denne lille by er drevet at sol og vind!

The icebergs actually wash ashore here, which gave us the chance for some great close up shots.

Her var der nogle isbjerge på stranden - det gav mulighed for at få taget nogle gode billeder..



Each iceberg is so unique!

Hvert isbjerg er helt unikt!

As well as being fun and beautiful the icebergs have an indescribably powerful presence, perhaps a result of the aeons they have witnessed. Icebergs from glaciers are estimated to be around 10, 000 years old!

Isbjergene er både sjove og smukke, og har et meget stærkt nærvær. De er fra glacierne omkring og man tror at de er omkring 10,000 år gamle!



Suren showing his viking heritage.

Suren viser sit vikinge-element.

On the way back we visited one last spectacular blue iceberg! A blue iceberg is visible after the ice from above the water melts, causing the smooth portion of ice from below the water to overturn. The blue ice is formed from the compression of pure snow, which then develops into glacial ice.

På vej tilbage kiggede vi på et isbjerg mere. Isbjerge kan få en blålig farve når den del som er over vandfladen smelter. Det forårsager den glatte del af is fra under vandet til at vælte. Den blå is er dannet af komprimering af ren sne, som derefter udvikler sig til glacial is.

You could not get enough photos of this incredible being!

Man får ikke nok af den utrolige is!

Finally back to Nuuk, a city we have developed great fondness for over the last week!

Tilbage til Nuuk. Vi er blevet helt forelskede i byen efter den sidste uge!

Many thanks to Tupilak Travel Company and our wonderful guide, Pauline; and Captain, Jørgen, for a perfect ending to our unforgettable first Greenland Peace Run adventure!

Tusind tak til Tupilak Travel og vores fantastiske Pauline; og kaptajn Jørgen, for en perfekt afslutning på vores første Peace Run tur til Grønland!

All gratitude to the people and nature of Greenland for welcoming us and sharing their exquisite peace and beauty. We hope we can all come back soon!

Peace is the beauty
Of my heart.
Like the beauty of nature,
I cannot hide it.
-Sri Chinmoy

Vi er evigt taknemmelige for den måde vi er blevet modtaget i Grønland. Tak til Grønlands fantastiske beboere og den smukke natur vi fik lov til at se og opleve. Vi håber vi kan komme tilbage snart!

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hridananda Ramón (Colombia), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Marc Voelckner (Germany), Palash Bosgang (United States), Prapti Jensen (Canada), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland).  
Apaguha Vesely, Harita Davies, Shyamala Stott

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