Tet. 20, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Dipavajan Renner 17.0 km

Welcome to Ilhabela - the beautiful island!

...early in the morning we met local athletes who joined us for the run across the island...

...a school class arrived just to see us taking off...

...a quick presentation...

...and we passed the torch...

...the first steps...

...it was a beautiful running route along the sea shore...

...our athlete friends came up with a good pace...

...a nice view from the island to the mainland...

...several times people awaited us for high five and to get a glimpse of the peace torch...

...we arrived at the first school: "E.M. Prof. Maria Thereza de Freitas"...

...an enthusiastic welcome...

...we went up in the hall, which was beautifully decorated with artwork and drawings...


...the kids and teachers enjoyed the passing of the torch...

...a school stampede...

Thank you "E.M. Prof. Maria Thereza de Freitas" for the enthusiastic meeting!

Back in the city of Ilhabela we paid a short visit to the mayor: thank you for receiving the torch!

...a nice side trip to a small Marine museum...

...a perfect place for a lunch break...

Colégio ACEI, here we come!

...the school nicely prepared for the arrival of the Peace Run...

...nice drawings...

...I love peace...

...the kids performed very nicely...

...the kids formed a line for running...

...well, the line collapsed...

Thank you Colégio ACEI for the fun!

Our next stop: "Colégio Objetivo Ilhabela"...

...a small, but very heartfelt meeting...

...a symbolic run...

Thank you "Colégio Objetivo" for the friendship!

Our final meeting: "Colégio São João"...

...this alternative school serves as a raw model all over Brasil...

...big smiles everywhere...

Thank you "Colégio São João" for the outstanding meeting!

Torch carried by
Aparanji Telles (Brazil), Carlos Machado (Brazil), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Elizianne Santos (Brazil), Jorge Ledesma (Argentina), Luiza Santos (Brazil), Mena Seguy (France), Salalu Galvis (Brazil), Sukham da Rocha (Portugal), Toyesa Mrkonjić (Croatia).  
Aparanji Telles, Carlos Machado, Dipavajan Renner
The torch has travelled 17.0 km in Ilhabela.

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