Tet. 27, 2016 Live from the road


Reported by Dipavajan Renner 13.0 km

Our gratitude to the Hotel "Mercure Niterói Orizzonte" for hosting our Peace Run Team!

School time in Niterói! The "Centrinho" was first...

...we met the kids indoor...

...the morning rain cleared up and we continued the meeting on the sport field...

Thank you "Centrinho" for the fun!

"La Salle Abel" was next...

...not bad for a school...

...the kids really enjoyed to run...

Thank you "La Salle Abel" for the nice meeting!

...during lunch time we went on a run through the city of Niterói...

...passing the famous "Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói", designed by Oscar Niemeyer...

Thank you "Restaurant À Mineira" in Niterói for the great lunch!

In the afternoon we visited the "Espaço Aquático Projeto Grael" - a special project to teach children and young people to work with boats and how to sail. The project was started by the family of Olympic Champion Torben Grael...

The deputy mayor of Niterói, Mr. Axel Grael, welcomed the runners...

Mr. Axel Grael and his team were awarded with the "Torch Bearer Award" for the outstanding service to the community of Niterói and to its young people.

...time to run...

Thank you for the kind meeting!

...the temperature was rising...

...and we arrived in our last school: "Assunção".

...the children gathered in the sport hall...

...the flag bearers...

...all the classes presented their performances...

...a symbolic run...

Thank you "Assunção" for the enthusiastic meeting!

...a big Thank You to the team of Hare Burger for the great dinner!

....our final run brought us high above the city of Niterói - the "Parque da Cidade". A great view over the bay of Rio de Janeiro...

...even Corcovado can be seen from here...

...we met good friends from the administration of Niterói...

The "Parque da Cidade" hosts a statue of the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy. What better place than to end this year's edition of the Brazilian Peace Run!

Thank you for the kind meeting!

Thank you Brazil and all the organisers and runners for the outstanding hospitality, joy and fun! We deeply treasure your efforts for peace and harmony!

Torch carried by
Akrura Bogea (Brazil), Apara Carvalho (Brazil), Aparanji Telles (Brazil), Bhumika Barros (Brazil), Carlos Machado (Brazil), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Elizianne Santos (Brazil), Jorge Ledesma (Argentina), Luiza Santos (Brazil), Mena Seguy (France), Salalu Galvis (Brazil), Sukham da Rocha (Portugal), Toyesa Mrkonjić (Croatia).  
Carlos Machado, Dipavajan Renner
The torch has travelled 13.0 km in Niterói.

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