Mars 26, 2017 Live from the road

Honolulu, Hawaii

Reported by Harita Davies 2.0 mi

Our small team was blessed with the opportunity to come to Hawaii for our great Czech Peace Runner and swimmer, Abhejali Bernardova, to attempt to swim the Molokai Channel.
We were delighted to be able to include some Peace Run events during our stay!
Our Hawaiian Peace Run began in Oahu with a run around the beautiful ocean-side Kapiolani Park.

Blessings for the torch and team before the beginning of our run.

We were really happy to be joined by enthusiastic local runner, James Compton.

This local resident was also keen to join...

As we ran the 2 mile loop, we met many super friendly local peace lovers!

Yes, we are in Hawaii!

So many beautiful Banyan Trees!

We met some Honolulu Marathon Clinic runners.

A big thank you to James for joining our team for an hour!

Spot the turtle...

Our next stop was the Unity Church of Hawai'i. Once a month the service is called Aloha Sunday. We were lucky to be there for it!

Legendary local performers, brother and sister duo Rodney and Kanoe Cazimero, blessed us with their beautiful music and traditional dance

Long time friend and supporter of the Peace Run and Sri Chinmoy, Sister Joan Chatfield, was the guest speaker today. She spoke beautifully about the importance of making the present moment the most important reality in our lives. She also gave an extremely heartfelt introduction to The Peace Run and spoke abot the first time she met Sri Chinmoy.

We introduced the run and sang the Peace Run song to a very encouraging audience!

On of the women present took some photos and kindly sent them to us...

We presented our certificate of appreciation and an artwork by Sri Chinmoy entitled "World Family" to Ralph Whitaker, who accepted them on behalf of Unity Church.

Everyone had the chance to hold the torch!

We met some beautiful people!

We gave Sister Joan a small artwork by Sri Chinmoy to thank us for so beautifully including us in her presentation.

Sister Joan is a real dynamo, and is officially a "Living Treasure of Hawaii". She has dedicated her life to many wonderful causes based on seeking to foster understanding between faiths to promote an all-inclusive love and compassion for all humankind.

We were incredibly blessed to be presented with two beautiful leis, one of flowers from Rodney and Kanoe, and one made from jewel nuts from the Unity Church!

A big thank you to all the wonderful new friends we made today in Waikiki!

In the oneness-heart
There is abiding peace.
With our oneness-heart
We are all trying to create
A peaceful world-family.
-Sri Chinmoy

Torch carried by
Abhejali Bernardová (Czech Republic), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Jayalata Dadkovičová (Czech Republic), Rupasi Young (United States).  
Accompanied by  
James Compton
Jayalata Dadkovičová
The torch has travelled 2.0 mi in Honolulu, Hawaii.

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