Mars 28, 2017 Live from the road


Reported by Arpan DeAngelo

It was a nice, sunny day as we ran the Peace Torch into the Escuola Primaria Benito Juarez in Tijuana

Pujari from San Diego helped us with our presentation with his fluent Spanish.

Sanmati from Tijuana was our ace coordinator and Master of Ceremonies as well.

Heartfelt students finding peace within themselves.

The Director of the school, Raymundo Mejorado, shares some kind words about the Peace Run.

Mr. Mejorado leads the teachers around the courtyard with the Peace Torch.

Our Certificate of Appreciation for a wonderful visit here.

The children now get a chance to pass the torch with enthusiasm and joy as they make wishes for peace and friendship.

Some of the children like to carry the torch as they run around the courtyard.

Our women's team with Director Mejorado.We are very grateful to him and his staff for such a wonderful event.

Our second school of the morning was Escuola Primaria Ninos Heroes de Chapultepec.

Lots of enthusiastic children offering us 'high fives' as we run around the courtyard.

Brahmata tries to have them guess her country, one of the three North American countries and the coldest one.

Arpan's Statue of Liberty never fools the crowd.

Pujari makes sure the children understand what the rest of us are saying.

The heart exercise for finding peace is always very impressive and effective.

The children were very enthusiastic about the actions to our World Harmony Run song.

One of the teachers carries the Peace Torch to the delight of the students.

Director of the school Humberto Olivera Caballero accepts our appreciation and a small, colorful peace painting by the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

One of our ace phototgraphers, Agragati, with our wonderfully hard-working Mexico Peace Run coordinator, Sanmati.

Getting peaceful in preparation for our third school of the day.

Pujari, from San Diego, gets a warm welcome with the Peace Torch as the rest of our team follows with high fives.

The children are very excited about the event today.

Sanmati introduces the Peace Run in Spanish.

Salil cannot fool the children about his country when he hops like a kangaroo.

The school prepared their own beautiful Peace Run banner for us.

Finding peace and protection from the sun.

Holding their 'torches' high as they do the actions to the World Harmony Run song.

Tomorrow's Sun.

Pujari accepts letters from the children offering us peaceful messages.

Director Yolanda Pelayo Mendoza is thrilled to share the Peace Torch with us. Her enthusiasm and hard work preparing the children for this event touched our hearts.

The children were so thrilled to take part and share the Peace Torch with us.

Our appreciation knows no bounds for this wonderful school.

The teachers offer their enthusiastic peace run around the schoolyard.

Students and teachers offer their hopes and dreams for a peaceful world together.

One big happy school.

Standing with the Physical Education teacher who shared his enthusiasm and kindness with us today.

Teachers share the Peace Torch by their wonderful artwork and sign.

Some of the children wanted our autographs after the festivities.

Director Yolanda Mendoza is quite happy with the event and we are grateful for her help in planning this wonderful program.

During our lunch break we met this wonderful group of people from the group called 'Del Lado Del Amor' or Standing on the side of Love', led by Mar Cardenas with the yellow shirt.

Mar is a bilingual teacher in San Diego who started this interfaith movement to inspire peace and friendship to people of the U.S. and her native Mexico.

They were painting colorful murals on the border fence between Mexico and the United States. We all made 'hearts' with our hands as we shared the Peace Torch with these volunteers from Mexico and the U.S.

They passed the Torch with their big hearts and welcoming smiles.

A new bundle of peace.

Looking to the U.S. from Mexico, two friendly neighbors.

As the border fence meets the ocean, a colorful Tijuana welcomes us.

Our final school of the day was another visit to the Escuola Benito Juarez afternoon program.

We had an indoor event because the sun was getting quite intense today.

The children were just as interested as the earlier program this morning here.

Pujari's fluent Spanish once again comes in handy today.

The children love the actions to our songs.

Raising their peace torches with our team as we sing the World Harmony Run song by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

A moment of heartfelt peace.

Time to pass the Peace Torch to the children.

Making wishes for peace.

Most children take this moment quite seriously.

Some children express great exuberance in sharing the Peace Torch.


Sweetness is a pervasive quality in Mexico, especially with the children.

Accepting our Certificate of Appreciation, the Director, Ulises Montes Gomez, shares a moment of peace with us. We are so grateful to him and the teachers for allowing the children to take time and share the afternoon with us.

The children are peacefully back in class after an exciting event.

Enjoying a well-deserved Mexican meal after a long day.

The Horchata drink was unanimously the best we have ever had. Notice the empty drink pitcher.

Some of the team visited nearby Rosarito, a popular tourist destination, before heading home to Tijuana.

Agragati takes care of some messages as he enjoys the open spaces of the local beach by the Pier here in Rosarito.


Classic old Mexican decor on the streets of Rosarito.

Torch carried by
Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Brahmata Michael (Canada), Jagadhata Amrhien (United States), Kaneenika Janakova (Slovakia), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Pujari Schaffer (United States), Salil Wilson (Australia), Sanmati Acuna (Mexico).  
Agragati Siegel, Arpan DeAngelo, Salil Wilson

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