Prill 30, 2017 Live from the road


Reported by Vasanti Niemz 21.1 km

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the global Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run - which passed through the Rhine-Neckar-Region for the first time in 1987 and many more times since then - a team of 36+ international "Peace Runners" ran the Heidelberg SAS Half Marathon on April 30, 2017, holding the Peace Torch at the start line and carrying a second Torch in a small group all the way. (We were actually 38, but for two last minute race numbers we had no chips, so no official results!)

Mr Gerold from our daily newspaper Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung came to take some photos of our Peace Run team before the start - and it even got published it! Thank you so much!,-Sport-Regional-Heidelberger-Halbmarathon-Uhrig-siegt-mit-fabelhafter-Bestzeit-plus-Fotogalerie-_arid,272279.html

Runner passing by, eager to hold the torch - and he held it again with a friend at the finish!

Samalya from Berlin, 2nd place in 2013, officially started the race with the Peace Torch. He is sharing it with SAS manager Jürgen Fritz, representing the race sponsor, before the start. (The Peace Run was called World Harmony Run between 2001 and 2012.)

The Sri Chinmoy Peace Runners and the Torch are offically announced before the start and runners are invited to share the Peace Torch.

Andreas Wahlster, long time Race Director of the TSG Heidelberg, announced our team and the ideals and purpose of the Peace Run several times over the speakers - thank you so much!

Sharing the torch with Heidelberg Half Marathon winner of 2016, Kibrom Issac, teacher and refugee from Eritrea who has won many races in the region since he came here, but is suffering from knee problems right now...

... and with number 2, Kim Abel, another top runner (Samalya stripped down to his Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team singlet for a serious run seconds before the start it seems!)

After 2 km - Heidelberg Castle in the back

Most Peace Runners running at their own speed ...

... except for the Torch and flag bearers who will stay together - and at times share the torch with other runners.

Crossing the "Old Bridge" (Alte Brücke)

Downhill at Kornmarkt - and almost there!

And "Endspurt" - final sprint!

Finishing - in 2:26:24!

The joy of running - capturing all the details of this scenic and quite challenging half marathon!

Sharing the Peace Torch with local top runner, mystery author and music critic Marcus Imbsweiler, with whom Samalya already fought a number of peaceful battles on the course in earlier years.

Samalya (11th place overall, 3rd place in his age group in a time of 01:18:17) sharing the first Torch with the new first and second place winners of 2017 - Jochen Uhrig (421) and Holger Freudenberger (131)

The torch carried by Samalya at the start and held at the end has actually been to Tanzania (Arusha) and all the way up to Kilimanjaro. Here shared again with refugee runners from Eritrea. I always love to explain that thousands of children have held the torch, imagining peace in their hearts and putting their dreams for peace into the torch. It immediately catches on.

... same with this friendly local reporter from the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung who interviewed Samalya.

Happy finisher!

Many runners wanted to hold the Peace Torch behind the finish line.

The gentleman who held the torch before the start, now holding it again with his friend - thank you, Herbert and Manfred!

Theresia Bauer, State Minister for Science, Research and Art of Baden-Württemberg, loves to inspire others by runnning the Heidelberg Half Marathon many times. We met the day before, by chance, while collecting our respective race numbers. It was nice to be able to invite her to hold the Peace Torch at the finish, which she readily accepted.

With Dr. Mohammed Natour (and his son), sponsor of the short kids run at the Half Marathon

Wearing one of the historic Peace Run t-shirts from the 1990ies!

Samalya (M30) and Pushkar (M45) both placed 3rd in their age category (Pushkar had no idea and left early to go back to Zurich).

Results can be found here: - just search under VEREIN for "peace" or "Sri".

Team results here - our fastest boys team placed 6th:

Anniversary bonus: the certificates featured one of our Peace Runners from the 2016 event! This photo was also used for all the advertising posters, to our delight! Thank you TSG / SAS for organising such an amazing event - and honouring the Peace Run anniversary so nicely!

And here the photo gallery of the local newspaper Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung:,-Sport-Regional-Heidelberger-Halbmarathon-Sieger-Jochen-Uhrig-verraet-sein-Erfolgsrezept-_arid,272280.html

Torch carried by
Bharu Rother (Germany), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Felix Lindner (Switzerland), Hana Lepičová (Czech Republic), Jatnasheel Moser (Germany), Kailash Beyer (Switzerland), Kanala Auer (Austria), Magdalena Lewosinska (Poland), Max Zandl (Austria), Milan Javornický (Czech Republic), Natalia Soldatova (Russia), Pataka Špaček (Czech Republic), Petr Hlava (Czech Republic), Pushkar Müllauer (Switzerland), Samalya Schäfer (Germany), Sanaz Datubar (Iran), Sushloka Postler (Germany), Tirtha Voelkner (Germany), Uddhava Selucky (Czech Republic), Zuzana Rybková (Czech Republic).  
Accompanied by  
Ankurika Hammerl (AT), Anupama Widmer (CH), Wolfgang Binder (DE), Deveshu Zuderell (AT), Marcela Charvátová (CZ), Dario Landau (DE), Dr. Wolfang Kiess (DE), Konrad Maier (DE), Tomas Nemecek (CZ), Michal Pericek (FI), Maik Pötsch (DE), Jirka Stanek (CZ), Bartika Sumann (DE), Lenka Truneckova (CZE), Karel Branca (CZ), Helene Beyer (DE), Jürgen Dietz (DE)
Alfred Gerold Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, Matthias Heibel, Vasanti Niemz
The torch has travelled 21.1 km in Heidelberg.

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