Qershor 7, 2017 Live from the road

Wollongong, NSW - Nowra, NSW

Reported by Amalendu Edelsten, Nurari Merry 80.0 km

Listening to the wind and heavy rain during the night we were very thankful we were staying at the Boat Harbour Motel and not camping like the previous night.

We started in Woolongong harbour, after ctaching up on some online stories we had missed earlier in our travels south through New South Wales. This story by the Liz Campbell, the Mayor of Kempsey Shire was published in The Macleay Argus; and this story recounted the Team's visit to Bulahdelah in News of the Area.

Naraa bravely volunteered to run first ...

... and was completely drenched by the time she arrived at the van.

The boys team had meanwhile gained two new team members the previous night – Andrew McGregor from Canberra ...

... and Abhinandan Willis from Melbourne. It felt good to be a complete team again.

Kemblawarra Public school welcomed us at 9am, cheerfully participating in the presentation.

Shayla and Kristian received the Certificate of Appreciation.

The enthusiastic children of Kemblawarra joined the ranks of thousands of children as they made a wish for peace as they touched the torch on their way out of the hall.

Running in the rain continued ...

... with Eniko excitedly producing a sodden 50 dollar bill she had found on the street!

We set Nurari off along the coastal walkway for an exhilarating trail run to Werri Beach.

We had quite a long run down to Nowra before our next school at Terara. Our way took in some beautiful coastal paths as well as roads by rivers, and through some bush land.

The wind and rain were quite intense at times ...

... but the runners kept on getting out cheerfully for their next turn.

Despite the constant downpour, Andrew is enjoying his first ever day on the Peace Run, one he's not likely to forget.

Andrew led us from the front to our next destination...

We arrived at Terara Public School just after lunch, and were first greeted by a large 'Welcome Peace Runners' sign at the entrance ...

... and then by a large number off children holding paper Peace Doves they had creatively made for our visit.

Four students read out their poetry pieces of a series of words ...

... gradually changing the word 'war' into 'Peace'.

The four poets.

Erin and Ava received the Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the school.

The children then formed a circle in the hall to pass the torch around.

Teachers also held the Peace Torch.

Our girls team has grown by one with Altankhuu arriving in Australia. We will meet her tomorrow in Canberra, though she is already represented by her own lolly.

We finished our running through Nowra and out to the start of Braidwood Rd to give ourselves a bit of a start on tomorrow's big mileage.

Though rain may fall ...

... the Flame of Peace burns bright.

Torch carried by
Abhinandan Willis (Australia), Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Andrew McGregor (Australia), Bayarkhuu Batbayar (Mongolia), Daniel Rubin (South Africa), Eniko Soron (Hungary), Gan-Erdene Ganbat (Mongolia), Kanyaka Arini (Indonesia), Narantuya Batsaihan (Mongolia), Nurari Merry (Great Britain).  
Bayarkhuu Batbayar, Narantuya Batsaihan
The torch has travelled 80.0 km from Wollongong, NSW to Nowra, NSW.

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