Qershor 28, 2017 Live from the road

Krosno - Lancut

Reported by Shaivya Rubczynska 154.0 km

28.07., 9.45 a.m. The meeting of the international and Polish Peace Run teams, at the Polish-Slovakian border in Vysni Komornik / Barwinek. International coordinator Devashishu Torpy and Polish coordinator Jan Palasz exchange a high five.

28.07., 9.45. Spotkanie miedzynarodowej i polskiej druzyny Biegu Pokoju na polsko-sowackiej granicy w Vysni Komornik / Barwinek. Miedzynarodwy koordynator Devashishu Torpy i polski koordynator Jan Palasz wymienaja uscisk doni.

Slovakian coordinator Padyatra Komak and Polish coordinator Jan Palasz hold the torch together

International and Polish runners in the background of the white eagle, Polish national symbol.

Miedzynarodowi i polscy biegacze Biegu Pokoju zrobili sobie zdjecie na tle wizerunku bialego orla, polskiego symbolu narodowego.

The common debate on the route of the run in the first day in Poland.

Pierwsza debata nad trasa pierwszego dnia biegu w Polsce.

Two Russian runners, Sveta and Sravana from far-away Ezewsk in the Ural Mountains, visit a beautiful Gothic church on the way to the Krosno city.

Dwie rosyjskie biegaczki, Swieta i Wiera z dalekiego Jezewska na Uralu, ogladaja gotycki kosciol na trasie do miasta Krosna.

Polish runner Shaivya finishes her first 3 km with the torch of the Run.

Polska biegaczka Shaivya konczy pierwsze 3 km biegu ze zniczem Biegu Pokoju.

Always smiling Paramanyu from Kaliningrad on the route from Barwinek on the Polish border.

Zawsze usmiechniety Paramanyu, biegacz z Kaliningradu, na trasie z Barwinka na polskiej granicy.

Our first meeting with a young runners club in Krosno, the first big city, 34 km from the border.

Nasze pierwsze spotkanie z klubem mlodych biegaczek w Krosnie, pierwszym duzym miescie, 34 km od granicy.

Young ladies from Krosno on the way to the sport stadium in Krosno.

Mlode biegaczki z Krosna z flagami polska i Biegu Pokoju na trasie do miejskiego stadionu

We did a circuit of the track together in the stadium in Krosno.

Razem biegniemy wokol stadionu w Krosnie.

And here we are, at the finish line.

I oto jestesmy na mecie.

We were greeted heartily and gifted T-shirts with Krosno symbols.

Przywitano nas serdecznie i obdarowano koszulkami z symbolem miasta Krosna.

Young runners with the Peace Run torch.

Mlodzi biegacze ze zniczem Biegu Pokoju.

Martin (left) and Robert (right) from Sanok join us for the run into their city

And again we hit the road.

I znow ruszamy w trase.

In Sanok town square we are greeted by the Vice Mayor.

He offered us souvenirs

Robert and Martin from Sanok

Temperatures are rising above 30 degrees!

In Lancut we meet young athletes at the Sports Arena

Torch carried by
Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Dmitriy Shadrin (Russia), Drsalu Grünstäudl (Austria), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Shaivya Rubczynska (Poland), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Sravana Novikova (Russia), Svetlana Perevozchikova (Russia).  
Paramanyu Lebedev
The torch has travelled 154.0 km from Krosno to Lancut.

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