Korrik 3, 2017 Live from the road

Adelaide, SA

Reported by Abhinandan Willis, Saranyu Pearson

This morning's media highlights include:
* the front page of the City of Wagga Wagga Council News;
* "Kingston Finds Peace" from the Radio 5RM website, as well as on the site of Magic931;
* a mention in the newsletter of St Vincent's Primary School in Canberra;
* and finally, this piece on the Captain of the Peace Run team for this section to the close in Adelaide, Atul Arora.

Our first school was located close enough to our accommodation to enjoy a brisk morning run, as a team, along the beautiful foreshore in West Adelaide.

It’s always nice to arrive at a school after such an exhilarating start because we are in team mode, which helps with our presentations.

Upon arrival at Ocean View College, we were greeted by student leaders John and Annie. They guided us to the drama room for our meeting with the grade 6 and 7 students.

Ocean View had already done quite a bit of preparation themselves for our visit so they had no difficulties in guessing our countries and also had produced their own video of their art activities in the weeks leading up to our visit.

We were truly amazed and very grateful when they also presented each runner with a beautiful handmade peace badge and a block of chocolate. I think this is a first.

Many students expressed genuine and considered praise for the Peace Run and we are very grateful to them for their contributions to the celebration of the Peace Run.

Teachers were happy to participate.

After the first school, there was time for a brief cafe visit.

A few of the team then ran to our second school for the day.

The next school was close by in Largs Bay and was actually one of the schools that was visited in 1987.

The grades 6, 7 and 8 students were eager to greet us by singing the Peace Run song that they had learned in preparation for our visit and then we sang it together as well.

We enjoy interacting with children of all ages on the Peace Run and the way that we can challenge the older students to reflect more deeply on what peace means for them.

It is wonderful to hear such inspiring and uplifting comments from the future leaders of the world.

Karen Smith, the counsellor and organiser, with Sipra Lloyd.

Kiana and Kaitlin received the Certificate of Appreciation.

There were students eager to learn how to become peace runners when they leave school so we will be in good hands.

Naraa re-enacts the moment when her mother, Oyungerel, spoke on an antique phone during a previous Peace Run in Australia four years ago.

The final school visit for the Peace Run in Australia this year.

At Whitefriars Catholic School we had some big steps to stand on so that all the children could see us more easily.

Many from the junior grades had made their own peace torches, which they proudly carried.

Whitefriars students had also prepared many lovely artworks for us to take to Rome for the closing ceremony of the Peace Run at the Coliseum in September this year.

Elisia and Siyona accepted the Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the school.

Deputy Principal Angela Scodela with a painting by Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy.

Everybody wants to hold the Peace Torch.

That's it for our final school visit in 2017.

We had one final engagement remaining for today.

It was a great honour to be able to present Alipate Carlile with the Peace Run Torch-Bearer Medallion and Award Certificate.

Alipate enjoyed a distinguished 167-game career with the Port Adelaide Football Club and is now the Multicultural Programs Manager.

As an intrinsic part of the Power Intercultural Program, Alipate manages activities for students designed to celebrate the vibrancy of cultural diversity and expression in Australia.

Ross Wait, General Manger of Power Community Limited, joined us for the meeting. Ross was the kind facilitator behind the Peace Run Team's involvement in the AFL game between Port Adelaide and Richmond at Adelaide Oval on Saturday night.

We are extremely grateful to both Ross and Alipate for their kind and generous support of the Peace Run and we wish them well in their commendable intercultural initiatives.

We also met with former legend of the Club, Tim Ginever.

Port Adelaide now has supporters in several new countries!

Torch carried by
Abhinandan Willis (Australia), Anubha Baird (Australia), Ashadeep Volkhardt (Australia), Atul Arora (India), Bayarkhuu Batbayar (Mongolia), Ella Laila Damayanti (Indonesia), Eniko Soron (Hungary), Narantuya Batsaihan (Mongolia), Padmalaya Marek (Australia), Padmanandana Marek (Australia), Sarankhuu Jargal (Mongolia), Saranyu Pearson (Australia), Sipra Lloyd (Australia).  
Narantuya Batsaihan, Sarankhuu Jargal

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