Korrik 8, 2017 Live from the road

Minsk Vostok - Minsk Victory Square

Reported by Devashishu Torpy 6.0 km

The final day of the European Peace Run. Today we celebrate 30 years since the formation of the Peace Run by Sri Chinmoy

Five torches representing the five routes that have converged to meet in Minsk

(From the left) Constantine from Belarus, Yashodevi from the Ukraine, Apaguha from the Czech Republic, Shyamala from Scotland and Samalya from Germany carry the five torches.

Mena from France and Albena from Bulgaria prepare for the final run

The run starts from the Library building in the east part of Minsk

Refueling the torches en route

THe Vice Consul from the British Embassy - Jane Elton - runs the final day

The Vice Consul from the British Embassy - Ms Jane Elton - accompanies the runners

The traditional greeting as the runners arrive at Victory Square

The team captain, Apaguha Vessely, receives the bread

The final ceremony begins

The guest of honour, the Vice Mayor of Minsk, Mr Igor Viktorovich Yurkevich receives the torch from the Peace Run team captain Apaguha Vessely

The Vice Mayor passes the torch to the Executive Director of the Peace Run worldwide, Mr Salil Wilson

Everyone stands for the National Anthem of Belarus

Mr Salil Wilson speaks and celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run

Translation is provided by Varvara Shvets from Russia

A minute of silence is observed - a silent prayer for Peace for all people, and all countries

Svetlana from Russia holds one of the 17 doves that will be released

Our special guest, Jane Elton, the Vice Consul from the British Embassy in Belarus, offers her support for the vision of the Peace Run

Salil Wilson, the Vice Mayor and Ms Jane Elton hold the torch together

In a parade of nations, each runner announces which country they are from.

Sadanand Magee (right) is from Ireland where the Western route began on April 26th. Paramanyu Sergei Lebedev (centre) is from Kaliningrad, Russia. He has served as both runner and photographer all the way from Ireland to the finish here in Minsk.

Flowers are placed at the Eternal Flame dedicated to Peace as the singers sing Sri Chinmoy's "A New World of Peace"

Our British runners

Our Ukrainian runners

Our German runners with friends

Runners from more than 30 countries join together for a final photograph

Thank you to Vaibhava and his son Manjala from Austria for collecting all the photographs

Bread for everyone

Torch carried by
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Konstantin Glod (Belarus), Samalya Schaefer (Germany), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Yashodevi Samar (Ukraine).  
Paramanyu Lebedev, Vaibhava Kuschnow
The torch has travelled 6.0 km from Minsk Vostok to Minsk Victory Square.

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