Shta. 21, 2017 Live from the road

Eiði - Tórshavn

Reported by Laufey Haraldsdottir, Salil Wilson 3.0 km

Our morning began with a scenic run into to Eiði.

Vores dag startede med et smukt løb til Eiði.

The children were eagerly awaiting our arrival.

Børnene ventede med entusiasme på os

The students welcomed us with a ring dance which has been a foundational social activity in the Faroes for many hundreds of years.

Eleverne gav os en velkomst i form af ringdans som har er blevet danset i sociale sammenkomste i nogle hundrede år

We reciprocated by teaching them the actions to the World Harmony Run song.

Til gengæld lærte vi dem World Harmony Run sangen med bevægelser.

The students really enjoyed their symbolical journey around the world - complete with passports for five continents.

Børnene kunne rigtigt godt lide det symbolske løb rundt om verden - hvor de samler stemple i sine pas fra fem kontinenter

Getting passports stamped.


Our next school was Skúlin við Streymin.

Næste skole var Skúlin við Streymin.

Hridananda, from Colombia is our traveling minstrel.

Hridananda fra Kolombia er vores rejsesanger.

Suren demonstrates the actions to the World Harmony Run song.

Suren viser bevægelserne til World Harmony Run sangen

A moments peace.

Et øjeblik for fred

Shyamala and Palash demonstrate what is definitely not peace.

Shyamala og Palash viser hvad der bestemt ikke er harmoni.

The results of a successful autograph session.

Mange beder om vores autografer!

Papaha, our artist in residence, entertained the students with some impromptu portraits.

Papaha lavede nogle tegninger til eleverne

Jwalanta offers some super high fives!

Jwalanta giver nogle high fives!

Pól Sundskarð, a well known naturalist, hiker and advocate of Faroes breathtaking scenery.

Pól Sundskarð, en kendt naturelsker og talsmand for den smukke færøske natur

Pól lead us into the ceremony for the school in his hometown, Klaksvík, á Skúlatrøð.

Pól løb med os ind til det næste skole arrangement i skolen Á Skúlatrøð, som er i hans hjemby, Klaksvík.

The American's perform "Old McDonald had a farm!"

Amerikanerne synger "Old McDonald had a farm!"

Everyone guessed Pól was from the Faroe Islands.

Alle kunne gætte at Pól kommer fra Færøerne.

Suren presents Pól with the Torch-Bearer award for his service in introducing people to the natural wonder of the Faroe Islands and for being a inspiration to people worldwide.

Suren giver Pól "Torch Bearer Award" for hans indlæg i at presæntere folk til naturskønheden på Færøerne og for at generelt inspirere folk.

Suren surrounded by passports.

Suren omringet af passe

Salil enjoys the scenery.

Salil nyder udsigten

This is what he was looking at.

Dette er hvad han kigger på.

We stopped by the library to add some more artwork to the exhibition there.

Vi fik flere billeder som skulle sættes op på Tórshavn Bibliotek

Our final event was a training session with the local running club Bragdið.

Dagens sidste arrangement var et møde med den lokale løbeklub Bragdið.

Our good friend Bjørt Samuelsen who we presented our Torch-Bearer award to on Monday joined us for a few laps.

Vores gode veninde, Bjørt Samuelsen, som fik Torch Bearer award fra os i mandags løb med os

Hotel Hafnia very generously gave a delicious soup for the team.

Hotel Hafnia inviterede os så til en dejlig suppe!

As we were walking home Satyagraha happened upon to gentlemen from Romania.

Da vi var på vej hjem, mødte Satyagraha nogle mænd fra Romania

The Sun sets on a beautiful day.

En smuk solnedgang

Torch carried by
Dhavala Stott (Great Britain), Hridananda Ramón (Colombia), Laufey Haraldsdottir (Iceland), Palash Bosgang (United States), Papaha Gosline (United States), Pujari Schaffer (United States), Salil Wilson (Australia), Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov (Moldova), Shyamala Stott (Great Britain), Suren Suballabhason (Iceland).  
Papaha Gosline, Satyagraha Vladimir Salnicov, Shyamala Stott
The torch has travelled 3.0 km from Eiði to Tórshavn.

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