Shta. 30, 2017 Live from the road

Split - Dubrovnik

Reported by Devashishu Torpy 175.0 km

Morning has broken!

Our first appointment is at a running race in Omis

This is the second annual edition of the race which is also a half marathon. We were invited to present ourselves.

Watch out for the pirates of Omis.

Anita leads the Peace Run pack.

Everybody who holds the torch during the race gets a second wind and speeds up!

Approaching the finish of the 6K.

We were interviewed by national TV.

The race organisers hold the torch.

Coffee and ice cream - a great way to celebrate the days running.

Near the town of Ston the girls team find a beautiful beach

The 2018 Croatian Peace Run team!

The famous walls of Ston!

Sandra leads the team along the battlements.

Dima leads us back down.

Another glorious end to a glorious day on the Dalmatian coast.

Torch carried by
Anita Ramljak (Croatia), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Dmitriy Gameza (Russia), Florbela Paiva (Portugal), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Gundega Gaile (Latvia), Narmadyuti Ridzi (Slovenia), Sandra Aurenhammer (Austria), Tihomir Cundić (Croatia), Toyesa Mrkonjić (Croatia), Yashodevi Samar (Ukraine).  
Apaguha Vesely, Gordana Petrovčić
The torch has travelled 175.0 km from Split to Dubrovnik.

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