Tet. 29, 2017 Live from the road

Gornja Radgona - Bad Radkersburg - Cankova - Klöch

Reported by Dipavajan Renner, Tomaz Pivec 12.0 km

Today is a very special day both for Slovenia and Austria. The two neighboring countries celebrate their friendship and oneness with two bridges dedicated to Peace!
Our Austrian team gathered at the bridge which connects Bad Radkersburg (Austria) and Gornja Radgona (Slovenia).

Danes je prav poseben dan, tako za Slovenijo, kot tudi za Avstrijo. Sosednji državi praznujeta medsebojno prijateljstvo in enost s kar dvema miru posvečenima mostovoma! Avtrijska ekipa se je zbrala pri mostu, ki povezuje Bad Radkersburg (Avstrija) in Gornjo Radgono (Slovenija).

The mayor of Gornja Radgona, Mr. Stanislav Rojko, leading the Slovenian runners team...

Župan Gornje Radgone g. Stanislav Rojko na čelu slovenske ekipe tekačev...

Mayor Heinrich Schmidlechner from Bad Radkersburg leading the Austrian runners...

Župan Heinrich Schmidlecher iz Bad Radkersburga na čelu avstrijske ekipe tekačev...

The middle of the bridge marks the border between Austria and Slovenia. The two mayors meet and exchange their Peace Torches...

Sredina mostu predstavlja mejno črto med državama. Župana sta se srečala prav na sredini in si tam izmenjala svoji plamenici miru...

The "Pavel Choir", a local ensemble with members from both countries, entertains us with excellent singing...

"Pavel Choir", lokalni zbor s člani iz obeh strani meje nas je počastil z odličnim petjem...

...the unveiling of the Peace Plaque...

...slavnostno razkritje Plakete Miru...

The bridge between Bad Radkersburg and Gornja Radgona officially joins the family of the "Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms".
Dedicated to Peace, the bridge wants to remind us of our responsibility as a world family to create Peace and Harmony in our own lives...

Most med Gornjo Radgono in Bad Radkersburgom se je tako tudi uradno pridružil projektu “Cvetovi miru Šri Činmoja”. Zdaj, ko je posvečen miru, nas ta most opominja na našo dožnost in odgovornost, da kot velika svetovna družina ustvarjamo mir in harmonijo tudi v našem življenju...

...a big hand to the "Pavel Choir"....

...zbor “Pavel Choir” s plamenico miru...

...we left the bridge for a symbolic 12 km run towards the second Peace Bridge, which connects the neighbouring communities of Klöch (AUT) and Cankova (SLO).
Mayor Heinrich Schmidlechner leading the runners...

...most smo zapustili s simboličnim, 12 kilometerskim tekom proti drugemu mostu miru, ki povezuje občini Cankova (SLO) in Klöch (AUT). Župan Heinrich Schmidlechner teče na čelu skupine tekačev...

...the first half of today's run we cover on Austrian soil, the second part we run through Slovenia...

...prvo polovico razdalje premagamo na avstrijskem ozemlju, drugo polovico pa pretečemo na ozemlju Republike Slovenije...

...a perfect Peace Run through the most beautiful countrysides of Austria and Slovenia.
At this point a big "Thank You" to the runners from "Running Point Bad Radkersburg" for joining us today!

...popoln Tek Miru po čudoviti pokrajini Avstrije in Slovenije. Tukaj bi se radi prav lepo zahvalili tekačem iz društva “Running Point Bad Radkersburg”, da so se nam danes pridružili.

...a short stop-over at the cityhall of Cankova. Mayor Drago Vogrinčič receives our runners...

...kratek postanek v poslopju občine Cankova. Župan Drago Vogrinčič pozdravi naše tekače...

...several rainbows guide us to the second bridge...

...mavrica nas vodi na poti do drugega mostu...

...the last meters...

...zadnji metri...

...shortly before we reach the bridge between Klöch and Cankova, the Indian Ambassador to Slovenia, Mr. Shri Paramjit Mann, joins us together with mayor Drago Vogrinčič for the last stretch...

...malo pred mostom, ki povezuje Cankovo in Klöch se nam v teku pridružita indijski veleposlanik v Sloveniji, njegova ekscelenca g.. Shri Paramjit Mann in župan Cankove, g. Vogrinčič Drago...

...the Mayor Josef Doupona from Klöch carries the flaming torch from the Austrian side...

...župan Josef Doupona iz občine Klöch priteče s plamenico iz avstrijske strani mostu...

...they shake hands and exchange the peace torches...

...stisk rok in izmenjava plamenic miru...

...nice gifts for the Indian Ambassador...

...prisrčna darila za indijskega ambasadorja...

...the national anthems...

...obe državni himni...

...very sweet performances...

...očarljivi nastopi...

...the kids and the grown-ups stand strong despite the hurrican-like winds...

...otroci in odrasli pogumno kljubujejo orkanskim sunkom vetra...

...nice singing...

...prijetno petje...

...the kids award us with small, self-made gifts...

...otroci nas nagradijo z ljubkimi darili, ki so jih naredili sami...

This year, the Peace Bridge between Klöch and Cankova celebrates its 10th anniversary. A big "Thank You" to the two communities for this outstanding example of friendship!

Letos praznujemo 10. obletnico obeležja Most Miru med Cankovo in občino Klöch. Hvala obema občinama za njun vzorni primer čudovitega prijateljstva in sodelovanja!

Torch carried by
Austrian runners (Austria), slovenian runners (Slovenia).  
Dipavajan Renner
The torch has travelled 12.0 km from Gornja Radgona - Bad Radkersburg to Cankova - Klöch.

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