Shk. 15, 2018 Live from the road

Sayan Village, Ubud, Bali

Reported by Suhasini Septiarini 2.0 km

Our morning began at 7 AM in Sayan, Ubud. Two schools were ready to welcome us all, SD Negeri 5 Sayan and TK Dewata II.

Kami mulai berkumpul jam 7 Pagi di Desa Sayan, Ubud. Dua sekolah menunggu kedatangan kami yaitu SD Negeri 5 Sayan dan TK Dewata II.

We could see the trace of the early morning rain.

Halaman sekolah basah karena hujan turun tadi pagi.

The school yard was wet but the children kept up the high spirit to welcome us all with a beautiful Panyembrahma dance and Keris Dance.

Walaupun begitu, anak-anak tetap bersemangat menyambut kami semua dengan tarian Panyembrahma dan tari Keris

The Keris Dance is about the greatest battle of all time between good and evil.

Tarian Keris ini menceritakan pertempuran sengit sepanjang masa antara kebajikan melawan kebatilan.

We enjoyed so much the cultural performances by the students of SD Negeri 5 Sayan. Then it was our time to introduce ourselves. Victoria gave some hints about her country.

Kami sangat menikmati suguhan atraksi budaya dari para murid SD Negeri 5 Sayan. Kemudian tiba saatnya kami memperkenalkan diri. Victoria memberikan beberapa petunjuk tentang negara asalnya.

Sudika got the attention of the children.

Anak-anak memperhatikan petunjuk selanjutnya dari Sudika.

We sang the Peace Run and World Harmony Run songs. Pragati led the choir.

Menyanyikan lagu Peace Run dan World Harmony Run. Pragati memimpin paduan suaranya.

Then, all the children in oneness put their hand on their heart to feel the peace.

Tiba saatnya merasakan kedamaian di dalam hati.

Shortly after that, children took turns holding the Peace Torch.

Bergiliran memegang Obor Kedamaian.

Jorge from Colombia held the torch with the children.

Jorge dari Kolombia memegang obor bersama anak-anak.

Holding the Peace Torch are: Victoria; Ibu Ketut Siri, the headmaster of TK Dewata II; and Bapak I Dewa Putu Oka, the headmaster of SD Negeri 5 Sayan; together with children and teachers.

Victoria, Ibu Ketut Siri Kepala Sekolah TK Dewata II dan Bapak I Dewa Putu Oka Kepala Sekolah SD Negeri 5 Sayan bersama para murid dan guru juga ikut memegang obor.

Wahyu from Solo made new friends.

Wahyu dari Solo berbaur di antara anak-anak.

Akshada and Eni present Bapak I Dewa Putu Oka and Ibu Ketut Siri with a painting by Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the Peace Run, entitled "World Harmony".
Then we bid farewell to the teachers and students. See you again!

Akshada dan Eni mempersembahkan lukisan karya Sri Chinmoy yang berjudul "World Harmony" kepada Bapak I Dewa Putu Oka dan Ibu Ketut Siri.
Kami pun kemudian berpamitan kepada para guru dan murid. Sampai jumpa lagi!

Off we went to the next ceremony through the back road to avoid the morning traffic.

Setelah berpamitan, kami melanjutkan perjalanan melewati jalan pintas menghindari kemacetan lalu lintas di pagi hari.

Rows of students greeted us at the entrance of the meeting hall. The students are from three different schools: TK Dewata I, SD Negeri 4 Sayan and SD Negeri 1 Sayan.

Para murid berbaris rapi menyambut kami di depan aula pertemuan. Mereka berasal dari tiga sekolah: TK Dewata I, SD Negeri 4 Sayan dan SD Negeri 1 Sayan.

Children from the TK Dewata II performed two contemporary dances.

Anak-anak dari TK Dewata II menampilkan dua tarian kontemporer.

Musical performances included poetry reading from SD Negeri 4 Sayan. They presented a story of their love for and pride in Sayan, the village where they live, and how the love has now multiplied into loving their country and the world. Through the simple poetry, they also shared their feelings and wishes for world peace and harmony.

Penampilan musik, tari dan puisi dari SD Negeri 4 Sayan dengan tema rasa cinta dan bangga terhadap Desa Sayan yang kemudian tumbuh menjadi cinta kepada nusa bangsa dan dunia. Melalui puisi sederhana mereka juga berbagi rasa dan harapan untuk dunia yang damai dan harmonis.

Children from SD Negeri 1 Sayan performed a traditional song, Sang Hyang Jaran.

Anak-anak dari SD Negeri 1 Sayan menampilkan lagu tradisional bali, Sang Hyang Jaran.

Right after that, Salil Wilson, Executive Director of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, delivered a short introduction about the Peace Run and, on behalf of the team thanked all the children for their heartfelt performances.

Sesudah itu, Salil Wilson, Direktur Eksekutif Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run menyampaikan sambutan singkat mengenai Peace Run dan berterima kasih kepada semua anak-anak yang sudah menyambut hangat para pelari dengan gerak, tari dan lagu.

We asked the children to sing the World Harmony Run song with us.

Kami mengajak anak-anak bernyanyi lagu World Harmony Run bersama-sama.

Last but not least, we shared the Peace Run motto with everyone.

Serta tidak lupa berbagi moto Peace Run kepada mereka semua.

Then everyone took turns holding the torch and making a wish for peace.

Lalu semuanya bergiliran memegang obor dan berdoa untuk Kedamaian.

The children of happiness
Will create a new world.
--Sri Chinmoy

The Peace Run Team presented each school with a painting by Sri Chinmoy entitled "World Harmony".

Tim Peace Run menyerahkan kenang-kenangan lukisan karya Sri Chinmoy "World Harmony" kepada ketiga sekolah yang sudah berpartisipasi.

The outer world
The beauty of harmony.

--Sri Chinmoy

Our last school visit was SD Negeri 2 Sayan. Jorge received a beautiful garland at the school gate.

Kunjungan kami terakhir hari itu adalah ke SD Negeri 2 Sayan. Jorge menerima kalungan bunga di depan gerbang sekolah.

The dancers were ready to greet us.

Para penari bersiap menyambut kami semua.

At the end of the dance, they filled the air with flower petals.

Di akhir tarian, kuntum bunga bertebaran semarak di udara.

Then we taught the children some movement for the World Harmony Run song.

Selanjutnya, kami mengajari anak-anak beberapa gerakan lagu World Harmony Run.

And action!

Lalu bernyanyi bersama!

Ella, Victoria and Eka performed a skit for the children. It's a race between Bali and Colombia.

Ella, Victoria dan Eka beraksi di depan anak-anak. Ceritanya tentang lomba lari antara Bali dan Kolombia.

Wahyu, Nyoman, Sudika and Jorge also did a skit. They did a marvelous job!

Wahyu, Nyoman, Sudika dan Jorge juga menampilkan skit. Mereka tim yang kompak!

At the end, we invited everyone to feel the peace within their heart.

Terakhir, kami mengajak semuanya untuk merasakan kedamaian di dalam hati.

The children showed their sweet smiles while holding the torch.

Anak-anak tersenyum sambil memegang obor.

Making a wish for peace.

Berdoa untuk kedamaian.

Let the children live the simple life which gives them pure joy.

--Sri Chinmoy

If there is peace-beauty,
Then there is

--Sri Chinmoy

The headmaster of SD Negeri 2 Sayan, Bapak Made Senter, received a painting by Sri Chinmoy entitled "World Harmony".

Kepala sekolah SD Negeri 2 Sayan, Bapak Made Senter menerima lukisan karya Sri Chinmoy "World Harmony".

To conclude the meeting, we took a group photo. Hopefully we can come back again in the future. We cannot thank the students and the teachers enough for their enthusiastic participation in joining the global Peace Run family.

Sebelum berpisah, kami berfoto bersama. Semoga kami bisa datang berkunjung lagi lain kali. Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya dan kalian sudah menjadi bagian dari keluarga dunia

Torch carried by
Akshada Aryati (Indonesia), Budi Arsawan (Indonesia), Eka Asrini (Indonesia), Ella Laila Damayanti (Indonesia), Endang Suhesti (Indonesia), Eni Marhaeni (Indonesia), Jorge Patino (Colombia), Kanyaka Arini (Indonesia), Ketut Sudika (Indonesia), Nityagopal Wirawan (Indonesia), Nyoman Sukerta (Indonesia), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Prabhakar Street (Canada), Pragati Pascale (United States), Salil Wilson (Australia), Shashibala Artini (Indonesia), Suhasini Septiarini (Indonesia), Tjok Istri Ekawati (Indonesia), Victoria Aguila (Colombia), Wahyu Widiyantoro (Indonesia).  
Prabhakar Street
The torch has travelled 2.0 km in Sayan Village, Ubud, Bali.

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