Mars 5, 2018 Live from the road

Miami, Florida

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo 2.0 mi

Palm trees line the streets as we made our way to the first school of the day in the Biscayne Park area of Miami.

We ran to a very colorful and joyful preschool called the Biscayne Park School.

We were greeted by very sweet young children with colorful artwork and paper torches.

The innocent smiles of the young children reflected the peace and joy we all enjoyed sharing with them this morning.

Harita finds a young friend who attempts to take part in a moment of silence in the heart.

Arpan uses some of his past experiences as a preschool teacher to get these very young children engaged in the concept of the Peace Run and what Peace may mean for them.

Jorge, originally from Colombia, talks to some of the children in Spanish.

Durjaya Pliske cheerfully looks on as the manifestation of his organizational efforts comes to fruition.

Even some of the youngest children came to experience the Peace Run in their own ways.

The children cheerfully ran around the school a number of times in a 'Peace Train' as everyone tried to stay on the track.

A large map of the world was our center of focus as we stood around it to pass the Peace Torch to the children.

Some children were more interested in visitng other countries.

Even the youngest of children were interested in holding the Peace Torch.

We are very grateful to this lovely preschool in Biscayne Park at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection for their enthusiastic participation in our efforts to share the peace and joy which these children so innocently embody.

We are very grateful to Sandi Busta, Director of the Biscayne Park School, for arranging our meeting here with these wonderful children and staff members.

Father and daughter went back a few years in time in the playground together after documenting the ceremony with their cameras.

In the afternoon we made our way to Miami Beach High School, more commonly referred to as Beach High.

We had a welcoming committee from the school by some of the 'HiTides' as the students of the school refer to themselves most appropriately. They are located in very close proximity to the beautiful and vast ocean beaches of central Miami.

Our team was led into the large auditorium by Manny Orozco, a former student at the school who now now spearheads a youth organization called NextGen. Cheerleaders and a marching school band also added to our dramatic and exciting entrance.

The bleachers were filled with the enthusiastic students as Manny addressed the crowd inspiring the young adults to have a voice in expressing themselves to help change the world in positive ways.

Manny inspires the students as he offers an uplifting speech about how they could get involved with positive change.

Two of the students offered their valuable thoughts and ideas of helping to shape a more peaceful world.

Our team introduced ourselves in the usual manner of have the students guess where we hailed from with clues that we give them.

Our Floridian member, Lunthita, from Haiti addresses the crowd and has no trouble in having the students guess her native country located just south of Florida.

Our local coordinator, Durjaya, addresses the students offering his valuable insights into bringing about positive change in the community.

The students participated in a moment of peace in the heart.

Our team sings the official Peace Run song written by Sri Chinmoy, the Founder of the Peace Run.

Brahmata from Canada fields some questions from the students.

Some thoughtful insights from one of the student cheerleaders.

Principal Maria Rodriguez was very helpful in organizing the students to take part in this event with us.

Towards the end of the indoor event some of the students had a chance to hold the torch and do a few laps around the gym.

An offering of gratitude to Beach High. Durjaya offers a colorful abstract painting representing World Harmony by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

The students were very eager to offer their wishes of peace while holding the Torch.

After the events indoors we took the Peace Torch outside for short Peace Runs around the sports field.

The school Cheerleaders offered a very skillful balancing act of Peace and friendship.

We regretfully had to leave this very uplifting and inspiring school to run to our next destination.

A mesmerizing Florida sunset offers us a deep sense of peace.

Torch carried by
Alakananda Lebedev (United States), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Brahmata Michael (Canada), Daniel Watts (United States), Drishti Pliske (United States), Durjaya Pliske (United States), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Jorge Patino (Colombia), Kaneenika Janakova (Slovakia), Lunthita Duthely (United States), Stutisheel Lebedev (Ukraine), Vajra Henderson (United States).  
Alakananda Lebedev
The torch has travelled 2.0 mi in Miami, Florida.

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