Mars 7, 2018 Live from the road

Ft. Myers Beach, Florida

Reported by Arpan DeAngelo, Jorge Patino 2.0 mi

We started our day with a beautiful view of the harbor in Ft. Myers Beach before heading out to our first school.

Our first stop was at Ft. Myers Beach Elementary school.

We surprised the children with our Peace Run entrance as they gathered in the school's cafeteria.

Cathy Oerter, our local coordinator, introduced us to the children, teachers and visiting members of the community.

Children made these beautiful paper Peace Torches for us.

We took turns introducing ourselves as the children tried to guess where we hailed from.

Children took part in our "World Harmony Run" song.

The children enjoyed our Peace Run video showcasing all the children around the world.

Children experienced peace in their hearts.

The children's parents and staff also enjoyed the moment of peace.

The children gave us a thumbs up for our skit about Harmony and Friendship.

Undersheriff Mareno speaks to the children about the police's role in the community to keep everyone safe.

The teachers instill the philosophy of Peace all year-around through artwork and class lessons.

The children express what Peace means to them to their classmates.

Cathy Oerter presents our Torch-Bearer Award to Al Durrett, a respected and active community leader. This Award is a way to honor those who inspire others to be better citizens of the world.
Al Durrett is the owner of Fish-Tale Marina, Fish-Tale Restaurant and Santini Marina Plaza on Fort Myers Beach.
He also is a big supporter of Ft. Myers Beach Elementary School.

These are the Al Oerter Award recipients for poetry on the theme of Peace.

These are the Al Oerter Award recipients for the art contest on Peace.

This was a gift presented to our team by the students. They created a collage of words related to peace.

Harita presents the school Principal, Jeff Dobbins, and Coach Heather with a Certificate of Appreciation and Sri Chinmoy's artwork, Founder of the Peace Run.

Coach Heather leads the children in the Peace train around the premises of the school.

Principal Jeff Dobbins joins our team as we prepare to leave this wonderful school.

Principal Dobbins passes the Peace Torch to students as we visit the classrooms.

Children had the opportunity to asked us some more meaningful questions about the Peace Run.

The teachers were very enthusiastic and supportive as we visited the classrooms with the Peace Torch.

Some artwork done by the children on the theme of Peace.

"Say Peace"

Arpan entertains the children with his harmonica.

Some of the cafeteria staff happily shared the Peace Torch with us.

Bhramata invites the children to play with her ukulele.

After a beautiful and inspiring ceremony at Ft. Myers Beach Elementary, the team was ready for a delicious slice of pizza from Junkanoo.

Gratitude to Cathy Oerter for hosting us and arranging all of our local events. Her continuous service to the Peace Run always inspires us to go forward.

Torch carried by
Alakananda Lebedev (United States), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Brahmata Michael (Canada), Cathy Oerter (United States), Daniel Watts (United States), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Jorge Patino (Colombia), Kaneenika Janakova (Slovakia), Prakhara Harter (United States), Stutisheel Lebedev (Ukraine), Vajra Henderson (United States).  
Alakananda Lebedev, Harita Davies
The torch has travelled 2.0 mi in Ft. Myers Beach, Florida.

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