Maj 28, 2018 Live from the road

Mandresti - Drochia

Reported by Sadanand Magee

After a good nights rest in the very peaceful surroundings of Mandresti we visit the local school.

Our Moldovian coordinator, Ion, has done and an excellent job in arranging many events and looking after the international team. Here we see him giving a certificate of appreciation to the sports coach at the school.

The school Principal hold the torch.

We are given a tour of the school, including the gym. Time to practice our basketball skills.

The local vollyball team join us in carrying the torch to the town edge.

A sweet smile from the heart.

On our way to Cozesi we are received by a large gathering. It seems that the whole village has come to the roadside to welcome us.

We perform some songs and games with the children.

A smile says everything.

Our running route takes us down some amazing tracks, we are amazed that they show up on our gps system!

In Moldova you have meetings were you don't expect them! They are always a pleasent and welcome surprise. On our countryside route today we are amazed to find a group of very young children standing by the road waiting to see the Peace Run pass by.

Local children in Grigorauca join us for two kilometers.

Yet again even more enthusiastic runners join us for the run into Sangerei Town square.

In Sangerei we find a large assembley of local schools and dignitaries.

Both the Mayor of the district and the Mayor of the town are present. They are delighted that the Peace Run is visiting their town.

Local school children perform some dynamic dances.

The ceremony ends with a talented singer.

We are treated to an exquisite three course meal by Sangerei town council. Sincere thanks for their most kind hospitality.

This local council man has helped us tremendously.

Another bunch of enthusiatic children join us in Bilicenii Vechi.

We are greeted by a huge cheer at the local school in Bilicenii Vechi. The school children have prepared some fantastic performances for the occasion.

Our next visit is to Pelinia which has some of the countries top athletes such as this girl in green who is the national champion for her age in 1500 meter distance.

Local TV has arrived on the scene.

This group of angels sing beautiful traditional songs for the joyful occasion.

Andrey from Bulgaria is suprised to find Sofia in Moldova.

Yet another group of young runners carry the torch, this time through the village of Sofia.

In Drochia, our final stop for the day, we are given a very special welcome with a prayer and the releasing of doves.

This lovely couple greet us with bread, salt and smiles.

Angela, the director of this new school in Drochia, welcomes the Peace Run. She is extremely kind in organising accommodation and really amazing meals for us. It is only because of warn hearted people like this that the peace run is possible.

The smiling baloons with the smiling people of Drochia.

Who has to clean the van? Lets decide with a friendly six way arm wrestle!

In the evening we are treated to a lovely boat ride on a lake near by.

We get to try out the fantastic drums used on the boats for keeping the rhythm of strioke of the padels.

A joyful end to an extremely eventful day

Torch carried by
Andrey Stefanov (Bulgaria), Anita Costa (Portugal), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Drsalu Grünstäudl (Austria), Jadranka Grbic (Serbia), Puruvaj Nikolic (Serbia), Sadanand Magee (Ireland), Ukrainian Runners (Ukraine).  
Anita Costa, Apaguha Vesely

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