Qershor 5, 2018 Live from the road

Košice - Dedinky

Reported by Danica Cernakova

Good morning in the city of Košice! We are ready and also the students of Primary school in Postupimska 37 seem to be ready for our Peace program.

Dobré ráno v Košiciach! My sme pripravení aj žiaci ZŠ na Postupimskej 37 sú, zdá sa, pripravení na náš mierový program.

The head of sport and youth department of the city of Kosice gave us very warm welcome on the school playground.

Mgr. Ivan Šulek, vedúci referátu športu a mládeže magistrátu mesta Košice nás veľmi srdečne privítal na školskom ihrisku.

During the program this young student sang for us and we were overwhelmed how beautiful is her voice.

V rámci programu vystúpila aj táto mladá študentka, ktorá nás ohromila svojím krásne sfarbeným hlasom

The school principal Mrs. Katarina Benkova as a former athlete did not hesitate to run a symbolic lap for peace together with her pupils.

Pani riaditeľka školy Mgr. Katarína Benková ako bývalá športovkyňa v ľahkej atletike sa nezdráhala zabehnúť symbolické kolečko za mier spolu so svojimi zverencami.

At the end of our meeting we have planted together a Peace tree.

Na záver nášho stretnutia sme všetci spolu zasadili Strom mieru.

Our next destination was the playground of the Primary school of the village Kosicka Bela.

Ďalšia naša zastávka bola na ihrisku základnej školy v obci Košická Belá.

The Mayor Jozef Petkac mentioned some interesting facts about their village.

Starosta obce Ing. Jozef Petkač nám medzi rečou povedal veľa zaujímavých faktov o jeho obci.

The runners turned regular day into a holiday for many kids.

Bežci urobili deťom z bežného dňa sviatok.

The children could enjoy the journey around the world in very short time.

Deti si mohli za krátky čas užiť cestu okolo celého sveta.

With the smiles on our faces we are entering the village Margecany.

S úsmevom na tvári prichádzame do obce Margecany.

Welcoming in the primary school in Margecany was according the old tradition - with the bread and salt.

Privítanie základnej školy v Margecanoch v tradičnom duchu - chlebom a soľou.

The question for the kids: "Is this harmony or disharmony?

Otázka adresovaná deťom: "Čo myslíte? Je toto harmónia alebo disharmónia?

The answers for all questions you always find in your heart.

Odpovede na všetky otázky vždy nájdeš vo svojom srdci.

PeadDr. Eva Mrazova,, the school principal in Margecany accepts our certificate of apprecciation...and she really deserved it, because her pupils who were on our program were trully remarcable...

PeadDr. Eva Mrázová, riaditeľka školy v Margecanoch príjma od nás ďakovný list ... a zaslúžene, pretože žiaci, ktorí sa programu zúčastnili, boli perfektní.

Our runner Carlos from Guatemala convinced us that he is also a very good driver.

Náš bežec Carlos z Guatemaly sa ukázal aj ako skúsený šofér.

The supporters of our Peace run are eagerly waving at us on the square in the village Svedlar.

Prívrženci Mierového behu nám radostne mávajú na námestí v obci Švedlár.

The idea of peace, love and harmony on earth has transferred from us to the crowd in front of us.

Myšlienka mieru, lásky a harmónie na zemi preskočila z nás na všetkých zúčastnených.

All hands in the world reaching for PEACE and LOVE - idea expressed by the heart of one of the students.

Všetky ruky na svete sa naťahajú po mieri a láske - myšlienka mieru vyjadrená srdcom jedného žiaka.

"And now you all have to listen to me!"

"A teraz všetci budete počúvať mňa!"

The puzzle of the day ... find the Mayor of the village Svedlar Vladimir Koncik. Little hint - he is holding the Peace Torch.

Hádanka dňa ... hľadajte pána starostu obce Švedlár Vladimíra Končíka. Malá pomôcka - drží Mierovú pochodeň.

From Svedlar we were accompanied by local runners with their swift pace.

Zo Švedláru nás odprevadili miestni športovci svojím rezkým krokom.

Our last stop of the day was the village Nalepkovo.

Poslednou zastávkou dnešného dňa bola obec Nálepkovo.

The performance of this senior group was coming directly from the depths of their hearts.

Vystúpenie tejto seniorskej skupiny vychádzalo priamo z hĺbky ich sŕdc.

The Peace torch and the two most important representatives of the village Nalepkovo: Mayor Dusan Daniel and The head of office Julius Levicky.

Mierová pochodeň a dvaja poprední predstavitelia obce Nálepkovo: pán starosta Ing. Dušan Daniel a pán prednosta Ing. Július Levický

Two girls embodying the oneness and love towards all...

Dievčatká stelesňujúce jednotu a lásku k všetkým ...

It is clear that the Mayor Dusan Daniel is taking very good care of his village so that everybody can live in peace. This manifested with planting the tree.

Vidno, že pán starosta Ing. Dušan Daniel sa dobre stará o svoju obec Nálepkovo, aby všetci v nej žili v mieri. To sa prejavilo aj pri sadení Stromu mieru.

Pratishruti was so happy when the local singers started singing one Russian song and she could join them...

Pratishruti si prišla na svoje, keď si so svojimi rovesníkmi zaspievala jednu ruskú pieseň...

The guard in the village Nalepkovo ...

Strážca poriadku v obci Nálepkovo ...

They also invited us to one of their churches ...

Pozvali nás aj do jedného z ich kostolov ... do evanjelického

... where Vlado had a profound vision of the future ... how the world would look like if we all live in peace.

... kde mal Vlado zvláštne videnie budúcnosti ... ako by vyzeral svet v mieri.

Blessings from the heaven ...

Požehnanie z neba ...

With the blessed torch we are crossing through the golden gate ... into the new tomorrow

Pochodňou požehnanou prechádzame zlatou bránou ... do nového zajtrajška.

Torch carried by
Andrey Stefanov (Bulgaria), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Carlos Alberto Ramos De La Vega (Guatemala), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Drishalu Grunstaudl (Austria), Kuladipa Babusik (Slovakia), Marek Novotny (Slovakia), Monika Muráriková (Slovakia), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Peter Hlac (Slovakia), Peter Spak (Slovakia), Pratishruti Khisamutdinova (Russia), Puruvaj Nikolic (Serbia), Robert Jaros (Slovakia), Semantika Selecká (Slovakia), Vitalii Siedinkin (Ukraine), Zdenko Michalec (Slovakia).  
Andrey Stefanov, Apaguha Vesely, Peter Hlac, Vitalii Siedinkin

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