Gus. 12, 2018 Live from the road

Boston MA - Milville RI

Reported by Saranyu Pearson 78.0 mi

This was the first time in Boston for most of the members of the Peace Run team. It is certainly a special place for the United States as so much of what is held near and dear begun here over two hundred years ago.
The morning started at the Sri Chinmoy Peace Tree in Boston Common.

It was a rainy Summer morning and a little cooler than usual so we were happy to be running along the beautiful bike path alongside the famous Charles River.

Mananya who organised the day for us today was on her bicycle guiding us along the route.

We ran on to Porter Book store because it is such a lively and popular hub for locals with the Zing Cafe in the same premises. Porter Books....where Alex holds the Peace Torch.

Continuing along the famous Minuteman bikepath named for the rail trail that was used during the American Revolution for relaying messages to and between the troops.
Boston is where it all began and the whole city is steeped in history amidst a bustling modern world. Horses have been replaced with bicycles and runners have always been runners.

Begabati, one of our enthusiastic Boston organisers, holds the torch with her niece, Zoe.

Kickstand Cafe patrons and passers-by enjoy their Sunday morning with the Peace Torch!

We offer our Boston family a certificate of Appreciation from the Peace Runners for hosting the team and orgnanising our events here. Thank You!

The Peace Torch goes on and there is never a shortage of willing and happy torch holders.

We are very grateful to Kickstand Cafe for providing us with some a yummy lunch/brunch today after our run through Boston. The Cafe is conveniently located at the end of the Minuteman bike path so there are always lots of active people looking for refreshment.

The Peace Run was very grateful to be invited to Brookhaven in Lexington for a special presentation to the residents. Brookhaven provides home to a range of retired local academics and professionals and it was a pleasure to meet them today.

The main reason for our visit to Brookhaven was to honour resident Anne Smiddy with the Torch Bearer Award. Anne grew up in war torn Netherlands during the second war and feels that her story of struggle must be told to help ensure that her conviction that "war should never happen again" can become a reality. She hopes that if the new generation can understand the consequences of war then peaceful alternatives can be put forward. Anne's son travelled especially to see his Mum receive her award today.

Brookhaven has some interesting people living or visiting here.

We gave a mini version of our school presentation today to the older 'students' of peace and the message and the sentiment is exactly the same!

This is the Peace Tree that will be dedicated at Brookhaven in September once the ground has been prepared. The residents also recognise the need to prepare the ground for peace following a reading from "My Life Between Japan and America" by Edwin O. Reischauer introduced by Chandani Bachman. She reads..."A great deal must still be done to educate people in the United States, Japan, and everywhere else for peaceful participation in a world community."

Our audience attend and respond. We sing the tree song He Bitapi composed by Sri Chinmoy.

MC Chandani Bachman arranged for us to visit Brookhaven today. Thank you Chandini!

Anne Smiddy spoke eloquently about the hope for our future and in receiving this award said.... " big waves of happiness started to engulf me and I have been in the clouds ever since. I feel deeply honoured".
We were also honoured to meet Anne and her fellow residents in Brookhaven.
Of the Peace Run, Anne says... "Our Peace Runners are here for all of us. It is their spirit that gives us hope for a better future. Welcome them in your life".
Thank you very much Anne and our gratitude extends to all at Brookhaven.

The audience perspective, attentive and reflective.

CEO of Brookhaven, Mr Jim Freehling was instrumental in organising such a wonderful event today.

Residents reflect on what peace means to them.

We ran on.
Robert Ferri, Council President of Central Falls, welcomes us to his city.
He tells us about all manner of little known historic sights in Central Falls and invites us to visit next time we are coming through.

We always appreciate the dedication of town officials and volunteers who come out to meet the team especially on a Sunday!

The team ran from Central Falls bridge to Pawtucket bridge. Both of these historic bridges have significance to the Peace Run for being the very first and third Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossom bridges in the world. A special thank you to Joseph Tavares, former Police Chief of East Providence, pictured here with the team. Joseph is retired and has been a staunch supporter of the Peace Run for many years. Today he ran with us for the 2 miles between bridges.

George Washington and Sri Chinmoy both walked across this bridge in different centuries with different purposes but both world changers had equally important missions on the world stage.

The Rhode Island group feel privileged to have the Peace Blossom in their city at the site of the first mechanised cotton mill in North America and the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.

The whole team recognise the significance of the contributions made to the world at this place.

A running family joined us for the 2 mile stretch between Peace bridges. Rich is a running coach and is joined by his wife Kim, son Sam, daughter Emma and team member Brian.

We finished the day at the statue of Sri Chinmoy Peace Dreamer in Rhode Island. What a beautiful end to a wonderful day with Peace Lovers!!!

Torch carried by
Anastasiia Konova (Ukraine), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Banshidhar Medeiros (United States), Harashita Sunoshi (Japan), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hastakamala Diaz (Australia), Mananya Galante (United States), Marco Pezzini (Italy), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Sadhiman Mardik (Ukraine), Saranyu Pearson (Australia), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada).  
Arpan DeAngelo, Harita Davies, Marco Pezzini, Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 78.0 mi from Boston MA to Milville RI.

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