Gus. 14, 2018 Live from the road

Newhaven - Greenwich

Reported by Saranyu Pearson 40.0 mi

The runners today started from this historic church in downtown Newhaven.

The womens team were extremely grateful to be accommodated in the small town of Monroe at the beautiful home of their dear friend Archee, her sweet mother, Jane, and their loyal dog, Lady. Lady is representing the three of them in this picture! Much gratitude!

We were all quite excited today because we are one day away from the end of the 2018 Sri Chinmoy Oneness Home Peace Run. This is the last day of presentations to groups of people before we return to New York tomorrow so we were eager to share the torch with as many people as we could.

We ran to Southport, Stratford, Norwalk and Stamford to finish in Greenwich Connecticut.

No matter where we go in the world there are always eager torch bearers!

We are finding new ways to establish peace.

Our first ceremony of the day was with the Wakeman Boys and Girls Club Day Camp in Southport.

Our photographer and run co-ordinator, Yatkara is enjoying the presentation.

Ukrainian runners with Geoff Barringer the Camp Co-ordinator

The children presented us with this gigantic torch they had made.

They enjoyed showing us the countries and regions of origin of our team members. This is Connecticut.

Judging the skits is always fun too!

The World Harmony Run song never disappoints.

Then there is the famous Hoola lesson complete with Aloha song

We were very fortunate today to have State Senator Tony Hwang with us for this visit to Wakeman Boys and Girls Club. He is an enthusiastic, energetic and inspiring man who interacted with complete ease with the children and the team owing to his cheerful demeanour. Mr Hwang spoke highly of the need for peace and was very encouraging to the team. He is an excellent role model to the children in his electorate.

One of our favorite and heart melting moments in every presentation is the genuine yearning the children share.

The whole gang.

Executive Director of the Wakeman Club David Blagys joins us for a photo. Thank you for having us visit you today.

The most fun for the kids is the holding and running with the Peace Torch

Now we are all peace runners!

Running with the kids is always a highlight for us too. These girls wanted to hear more of the Australian accent

Our next stop was lunch with the Rotary Club of Westport at their meeting in Christ and Holy Trinity Church, Branson Hall.

The club very kindly hosted the team for lunch and a short presentation of our Peace Run. Thank you to Rotary Club President Jeffrey Weiser and members for welcoming the team today

Also to Bikashita Bill Hass for organising todays visit and introducing the team.

The Peace Run video gives a good overview of the International flavour and we share this quality with Rotary that has branches in almost as many countries as we have visited.

We always enjoy singing the Peace Run song

....talking about our favourite subject.. Peace in our hearts.

President Jeffrey Weiser accepts our certificate of appreciation.

The team was honoured with a reception from Norwalk Mayor Harry Rilling at Stew Leonards. This is an historic stop that the Peace Run makes in most years and Stew Leonards put a sign up for us each time! Mayor Rilling is a long time supporter and friend of the Peace Run.

The welcome committee! Thank you so much for coming out to give us such a joyful welcome as we ran down the road... and also for the great ice cream.

A special thank you also to Senator Bob Duff who made time to come and share the message of the Peace Run today with us and also to local legend and Masters running champion Mary Roman, who came to run with the team.

Mary Roman the amazingly youthful and cheerful octagenarian Connecticut Masters Games Athlete of the Year. (2016) Mary reminds us that age is no barrier to our success.

Senator Duff holds the Peace Torch with smiling staff from Stew Leonards.

and visitors learn about the Peace Run.

We have enjoyed a lot of media attention on this years run. This really helps to spread the simple and powerful message that the Sri Chinmoy Oneness Home Peace Run shares with every person we meet to a much wider audience.

Two local running legends!

A special thank you to our special escort through Norwalk.

....and on the the final meeting of the 2018 Oneness Home Peace Run at the Stamford YMCA Day Camp.

....under the cherry trees in a lovely grove

with a jovial Mayor, David Martin, who surprised us by arriving on his Mayoral Bicycle, setting a wonderful example for peace.

Hastakamala reminds us of the special animals we have in Australia

This girl quickly locates Japan on our map. We have been very impressed with the knowledge of world geography that many of the children have. This gives us a lot of hope for the concept of a truly Oneness Home becoming a reality.

Statue of Liberty also holds a torch.

Stamford Mayor David Martin with our two runners that have completed the entire four months run.

He really loves his city and the people here.

Peter turns 20 today! Happy Birthday and thank you for leading the Peace Run train today.

A nice birthday present.

Sri Chinmoy's artworks are always very well received.

Satisfaction deep

Ending our final public ceremony for the year!!!!!

Congratulations everyone

A huge thank you to our hosts for the final night of the run, Nripal Peterson and Nidrahara Rhodes who welcome the run every year at this special time.

Torch carried by
Anastasiia Konova (Ukraine), Arpan DeAngelo (United States), Banshidhar Medeiros (United States), Bikashita Hass (United States), Harita Davies (New Zealand), Hastakamala Diaz (Australia), Marco Pezzini (Italy), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Sadhiman Mardik (Ukraine), Saranyu Pearson (Australia), Sweta Pradhan (Nepal), Yatkara Aleksapolskyy (Canada).  
Marco Pezzini, Yatkara Aleksapolskyy
The torch has travelled 40.0 mi from Newhaven to Greenwich.

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