Shta. 11, 2018 Live from the road

Lake Cullulleraine - Renmark

Reported by Abhinandan Willis 86.0 km

The majestic expanse of Lake Cullulleraine provided a wonderful opportunity for a few moments of peaceful reflection before we commenced our journey this morning.

Creative drying techniques come in very handy when on the Peace Run. Here we see Sascha's shirt hanging underneath Orion's Belt

Our wonderful coordinator and captain, Ivan Marek; always cheerful, never flustered - a real stalwart of the Australian Peace Run team.

Our trusty suuport van, ready for another day on the road.

All smiles as we prepare to depart Lake Cullulleraine

Team member Grahak Cunningham manages a smile despite a buffeting head wind and dusty conditions. Grahak is a four-time finisher of the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race.

Truckies always give us a smile and a wave and often a blast on their air horn

Sascha from Moscow doesn't speak a lot of english but his tireless enthusiasm more than makes up for it.

Efficient change-overs are a key to making sure we cover the allocated miles.

Refuelling the torch

Renmark Primary School; work hard, play hard!

Mayor Neil Martinson of Renmark Paringa Council welcomed us to Renmark Primary School. Mayoral robes always make for a great photo! Thank you Neil!

We were very impressed with the attentive nature of the students.

It is hard not be optimistic for the future of our country and the world at large when you spend time with such happy and sincere children

A moment's peace; an exercise we have shared with millions of children around the globe.

Attempting to entertain the students with some humorous skits

We asked the students to guess which states and countries our runners come from

More skits

Teaching the kids the actions to the World Harmony Run song

Group shot for the local newspaper

We typically finish each school visit with a run around the school oval

Renmark Primary will plant a Peace Tree and install this plaque in the coming weeks to commemorate the visit of the Peace Run

Kathryn & Sharon from RECOCHEM donated all the torch fuel for the Peace Run. Thank you very much - our torches have been burning beautifully!

Local Peace Run Supporter Anne from Ventura Motel once again donated accommodation for some of our team members. Thank you Anne!

Riverfront Holiday Park must be truly one of the best holiday parks in Australia. Thank you so much for providing such a delightful cabin.

Jass and his family are new to the hotel industry but that didn't stop them from donating a room for two of our runners. We were very touched.

Robert and Michelle from Citrus Valley Motel donated a very comfortable room for two of our runners. Thank you Robert and Michelle.

Torch carried by
Abhinandan Willis (Australia), Alexandr Nikiforov (Russia), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Kishore Cunningham (Australia), Padmalaya Marek (Australia), Padmanandana Marek (Australia), Prabuddha Nicol (Australia), Prashanta Cunningham (Australia), Rathin Boulton (Australia), Satyakarma Elliott (Australia).  
Padmalaya Marek
The torch has travelled 86.0 km from Lake Cullulleraine to Renmark.

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