Shk. 5, 2019 Live from the road


Reported by Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo 1.0 km

The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is very happy and excited to return to Timor-Leste. Two years ago, the Peace Run embarked on a short but profound and heartfelt adventure in this special country. The team is so grateful and happy to be back! Here, the Peace Run arrives at the airport in Dili and is welcomed by staff from the National Olympic Committee of Timor-Leste, who is part of the Peace Run Organising Committee this year. The Committee is made up of several Ministries and governmental agencies, having been formed under the request of H.E. Prime Minister Mr. Taur Matan Ruak, a long-term supporter of the Peace Run.

Members of the team chat with Nelson Silva, Adviser to the Secretary of State, Youth and Sport. We were recently informed that Nelson is a very fast runner, and nearly participated in the Olympics some years ago!

The team poses for a photo inside Hotel Timor.

Mr. Roy Trivedy chats with Prince Haryo Dipokusumo and Princess Febri Dipokusumo, members of the Royal family of Solo, Surakarta in Indonesia, prior to the start of our opening ceremony at the National Parliament.

We had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Roy Trivedy, the United Nations Resident Coordinator for East Timor. Roy is an avid runner who strongly believes that athletic achievement and sports not only give people joy, but that these can unify entire countries and communities. Mr. Trivedy spoke very inspiringly about growing up as a child in Kenya, and seeing a country come together when a Kenyan athlete set a new running record.

Raindrops glisten off a bronze statue of Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy, which stands peacefully at the National Parliament in Dili.

Mr. Anito Matos, the great Master of Ceremonies, introduces the Peace Run. He is the most popular MC in Timor, and it is our pleasure to have him both for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

Distinguished guests bow as the national anthem is sung. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooepration Mr. Dionísio da Costa Babo Soares (far left) has helped the Peace Run team tremendously by providing protocol officers, a translator, and the use of the VIP Room at the airport.

The children's choir performs the national anthem of Timor-Leste.

Peace Run Executive Director Salil Wilson speaks.

The team was very happy to see Anita, from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Anita worked with the Peace Run two years ago when we were last in Timor.

Mr. Roy Trivedy speaks before the audience at the National Parliament building.

Mr. Fidelis Manuel Leite, Minister for Legal Reforms and Parliamentary Affairs, speaks at the ceremony, representing the government.

Agraha Levine, SrI Chinmoy Centre International Liaison from Seattle, USA, speaks.

The President of the Parliament lights the Peace Torch from Timor's Peace Flame outside the National Parliament.

The President of the Parliament accepts a gift from Prince Dipokusumo and Princess Febri Dipokusumo.

Fidelis Manuel Leite, Minister for Legal Reforms and Parliamentary Affairs, also accepts a gift from the royal family of Indonesia.

Princess Febri presents the First Lady of Timor-Leste, Ibu Cidália Lopes Nobre Mouzinho Guterres, with a special gift from the Indonesian royal family.

Princess Febri Dipokusumo presents the Torch Bearer award to the First Lady of East Timor.

Salil Wilson presents the President of the Parliament with the Torch Bearer Award.

Viliam helps himself to some delicious snacks!

Members of the Peace Run team join members of SEJD Secretary of State Youth and Sport, and the National Olympic Committee near the bronze statue of Sri Chinmoy.

The Peace Run participates in a press conference at the National Parliament.

Harashita Sunaoshi, Peace Run Director for the Asia-Pacific region, holds the peace torch for a moment of reflection with Sri Chinmoy.

Jana Duskova from the Peace Run team also meditates on peace.

Torch carried by
Agraha Levine (United States), Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo (Puerto Rico), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Jana Duskova (Czech Republic), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Salil Wilson (Australia), Shumbhani Juarez (Guatemala), Viliam Segeda (Slovakia).  
Shumbhani Juarez
The torch has travelled 1.0 km in Dili.

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