Shk. 7, 2019 Live from the road


Reported by Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo 5.0 km

Our first stop of the day was at the Xanana Gusmao Reading Room in Dili, where we were greeted with a very beautiful ceremonial dance.

The team was very happy to come to the Xanana Gusmao Reading Room, the first public library to be opened in Timor, following the 1999 referendum.

The team sings the "Peace Run" song.

Quite a few youths aged 16 to 25, who are regular users of Xanana Gusmao Reading Room, gathered this morning to welcome the team.

Prince Dipokusumo smiles with the audience during the presentation.

Members of the audience meditate on a moment of peace.

Salil presents Mr. Gaspar Quintino, the Manager of the Xanana Gusmao Reading Room, with a certificate of appreciation.

Prince Dipokusumo and Princess Febri dipokusumo, royal family members of Surakarta, Indonesia, present members of the Xanana Gusmao Reading Room with a special collage of images of H.E. Xanana Gusmao with the Peace Torch.

Princess Febri speaks about Sri Chinmoy's unique role in East Timor's independence.

Prince Dipo presents Mr. Gaspar Quintino with a collection of brochures about Xanana Gusmao, Sri Chinmoy, and the Peace Run.

Princess Febri Dipokusumo presents Gaspar Quintino with several books by Sri Chinmoy in 3 languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia and Portuguese, to be added to their library collection. Shown here is a copy of "The Wings of Joy" in Bahasa, a paperback collection of uplifting aphorisms and essays by Sri Chinmoy.

Students smile by the collage.

Prince Dipokusumo and Princess Febri Dipokusumo are interviewed by members of the media.

Our next ceremony of the day was at EBC Sergio Vieira de Mello secondary school in Dili. Here, Princess Febri Dipokusumo is greeted in the traditional way, with a ceremonial scarf.

The Peace Run is extremely grateful to H.E. Ms. Dulce de Jesus Soares, the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, for her enthusiastic support of the Peace Run during our time in Timor-Leste. In the midst of her busy schedule, Her Excellency joined the team this morning once again!

The team was greeted at the school with a ceremonial welcome.

Minister Ms. Dulce de Jesus Soares smiles with students from the school.

One of the teachers runs with the torch!

The next school we attended was Secundario 4 de septembro Unamet Dili. We were very excited to see that the students had made flags for the nationalities of each of the Peace Run team members!

Teachers present the team with ceremonial scarves.

Agraha soulfully greets a teacher.



The flag of Brazil, and the flag of Timor-Leste!

Salil presents the school principal with a certificate of appreciation.

A teacher and students run with the torch!

The students sent the Peace Run delegation off with another very lovely ceremonial dance!

The school choir sang the national anthem most soulfully.

The school choir holds the torch!

The Indonesian ambassador, His Excellency Mr. Sahat Sitorus, very kindly invited the Peace Run team to lunch. We are grateful to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to Timor-Leste for their time and generosity!

Princess Febri Dipokusumo presents a gift to both the Indonesian Ambassador and Education Minister Ms. Dulce de Jesus Soares.

The great hero warrior of Timor-Leste, Mr. Xanana Gusmao, lights the torch for the 5K ceremonial run that took place in Dili, much to the complete thrill and delight of the crowd!

Agraha hands out Peace Run cards to the children.

Mr. Roy Triverdy, the UN Resident Coordinator, chats with the team before the start of the 5 km run.

Xanana Gusmao is engulfed by the adoring crowd.

Xanana Gusmao uses the Big Flame of Peace to light the Peace Torch.

The First Lady of Timore-Leste, Ibu Cidália Lopes Nobre Mouzinho Guterres, holds the peace torch during the Dignitaries 5K walk.

The First Lady walks along the 5K route.

Mr. Anito Matos, the very famous MC, was back to host our second event at the Gymnasium!

Xanana Gusmao poses with well wishers.

A famous singer holds the crowd in thrall!

Xanana Gusmao pretends to sing and entertains the crowd!

Princess Febri Dipokusumo and the Indonesian ambassador to Timor, His Excellency Mr. Sahat Sitorus, present during the ceremony.

The First Lady, Ibu Cidália Lopes Nobre Mouzinho Guterres, speaks as well.

Ms. Dulce de Jesus Soares, Ibu Cidália Lopes Nobre Mouzinho Guterres, Princess Febri Dipokusumo, and Salil, all hold the Peace Torch together.

Ms. Angelica Sarmiento, Vice President of the Parliament, holds the torch with the First Lady and with Princess Febri.

Mr. Xanana Gusmao receives "Sports and Meditation" by Sri Chinmoy, from Princess Febri.

Mr. Nélio Isaac Sarmento, Secretary of State Youth and Sports. He was the head of the Peace Run Organising Committee, whose teamwork brought about such a wonderful variety of activities involving so many people and children of Timor-Leste.

Princess Febri Dipokusumo, District Governor-Elect of the Rotary Club in Indonesia, receives a gift from members of the Rotary Club in Dili.

Harashita presents the Rotary Club, Dili, with Peace Run Asia-Pacific brochure. All in all, it was a fantastic day!

Torch carried by
Agraha Levine (United States), Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo (Puerto Rico), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Jana Duskova (Czech Republic), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Salil Wilson (Australia), Shumbhani Juarez (Guatemala), Viliam Segeda (Slovakia).  
Shumbhani Juarez
The torch has travelled 5.0 km in Dili.

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