Shk. 8, 2019 Live from the road


Reported by Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo 1.0 km

The day began at the United Nations Country Team in Timor-Leste. Mr. Roy Trivedy, the Resident Coordinator, kindly invited the team to have a ceremony with the staff. Here, Ms. Sunita Caminha, Head of UN Women Timor-Leste is welcoming the team.

Ms. Adelina Tilman Lourdes, Head of Office of the Office of the Resident Coordinator, served as the Master of Ceremonies.

The team sings Sri Chinmoy's "Peace Run" song.

Dr. Debashiish Kundu, Technical officer of Tuberculosis introduces himself.

The Heads of Office of the different agencies introduce themselves. Holding the Peace Torch aloft here is UNDP Deputy Country Director Ms. Renfei Liu.

Head UNICEF representative, Ms. Valerie Taton.

The team offered a presentation on some of Sri Chinmoy's contributions related to the United Nations.

Sri Chinmoy loved the United Nations more than any other organizations in the world, and felt that its vision of peace was destined to one day bear fruit. Because of this love, he offered weekly meditations to UN delegates and staff, and personally met with world leaders to inspire them in their quest for inner and outer peace.

Mr. Roy Trivedy spoke about the need for UN staff to be reminded of the lofty goals and aspirations they serve and strive for in their work.

Harashita, the Asia-Pacific Peace Run Director, presents Mr. Roy Trivedy with a painting by Sri Chinmoy entitled "World-Harmony."

Ms. Valerie Taton of UNICEF accepts a gift from the Peace Run team.

Mr. Roy Trivedy accepts the Torch Bearer Award for his enthusiastic support of the vision of peace through his heartfelt work at the UN. The Peace Run team feels that his vast heart continues to inspire others, both through his belief that athletics can bring communities and countries together, and through his understanding that inner peace is needed before outer peace can fully blossom.

Harashita awards Ms. Mara Bernardes Sá, of UNDP, with the Torch Bearer Award. Mara has been a most intimate friend of the Peace Run for many years. Her sleepless and breathless support has sustained the Peace Run in Timor-Leste in a very special way. She also loves East Timor and has served this beloved nation for over 13 years.

Roy presents Princess Febri Dipokusumo and Prince Dipokusumo with gifts on behalf of the United Nations Country Team in Timor.

The team received lovely gifts from the United Nations at Timor Leste.

Staff pose for pictures with the peace torch!

A big thank you to all the UN staff members who joined us today!

The UN interns all hold the peace torch together!

Colleagues dance together following the end of the ceremony.

The team also visited the Timorese Resistance Archive and Museum.

Salil presents the Director General of SEJD, Mr. João dos Santos, with a gift.

The Peace Run team displays gifts of organic Timorese coffee very kindly offered by the First Lady, Ibu Cidália Lopes Nobre Mouzinho Guterres. We are very grateful to her for her kind, enthusiastic and thoughtful support!

The team also thanked the group of police officers and protocol officers that escorted them these past few days.

We also presented a gift to Mr. Vicente da Silva, from CONTL, the National Olympic Committee of Timor-Leste.

Torch carried by
Agraha Levine (United States), Boijayanti Gómez-Badillo (Puerto Rico), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Jana Duskova (Czech Republic), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Salil Wilson (Australia), Shumbhani Juarez (Guatemala), Viliam Segeda (Slovakia).  
Shumbhani Juarez
The torch has travelled 1.0 km in Dili.

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