Prill 29, 2019 Live from the road

Machu Picchu

Reported by Vettri Angel 18.0 km

La Ciudad de Machu Picchu, a 2,400 metros de altura, es una citadela Inca, declarada por UNESCO como patrimonio de la humanidad. 60 monumentos conectados por una red de intricados caminos.

The sunrise in the ruins is shwdowed by dense fog through the mountains. Alpacas wander their way through the grass while eating.

The City of Machu Picchu, at 2,400 metres over sea level, is an Incan Citadel, considered one of the 7 Wonders of The World. There are 60 monuments connected by many very well done pathways.

A pesar de la altura, las temperaturas son cercanas a los 18˚ C

Even though it's so high up, temperatures are near 18˚ C.

Las paredes Incas, contienen rasgos pre y post Inca.

The walls in the ruins contain features of pre and post Inca.

Hay 2 ascensos a las cumbres que rodean la citadela de Machu Picchu.

There are two pathways up the mountains that surround the citadel of Machu Picchu.

El equipo de la Peace Run subió la Montaña llamada Machu Picchu, que significa; montaña antigua.

The Peace Run Team scaled the mountain called Machu Picchu; which means "Old Mountain"

La flora y fauna del lugar es exhuberante.

The flora and fauna of the terrain is exuberant.

Tuvimos que secar nuestra ropa una vez llegamos a la cima de la montaña ubicada a 3,061 metros de altura.

We had to dry off our clothes once we made it to the top of the mountain. The mountain is 3,061 metres over sea level. Fortunately we were used to it after our stay in Cusco.

Foto del conjunto de ruinas llamado Casa del Inka.

Here's a picture of a complex of ruins called House of The Inca.

Al pasar las horas, la neblina desaparece, dando paso a vistas impresionantes de la citadela y de la montaña Waynapicchu al fondo.

Throughout the day, the fog begins to disappear, making way for impressionable views of the citadel and The Waynapicchu Mountain.

Nuestro amigo Alain de Cusco, es el organizador de la Carrera Machu Picchu 100 Millas Trail, subimos juntos a la puerta del Sol.

Our friend Alain from Cusco is the director of the Machu Picchu Ultra Trail Marathon tha extend to 100 miles, we went together to The Sun Gate.

Despues de subir algunas montañas, decidimos bajar desde la Puerta al Sol, otro sitio que ofrece vistas espectaculares.

After hiking a couple of mountains, we decided to go down through The Sun Gate, another place with spectacular views.

Vettri y Gabriel ofrecen su respeto al llegar a la Puerta del Sol.

Vettri and Gabriel offer their salutations to the Sun God at the Sun Gate.

Alain entregó como un obsequio a Grahak, una medalla simbólica a las carrera de las 100 millas del Machu Picchu Trail, organizada por su equipo.

Alain, who race directs a 100 Mile Machu Picchu Ultra Trail Marathon offered a symbolic medal to Grahak for his 3100 mile achievements. Grahak was very grateful. Alain´s race is extremely challenging but inspiring. Racers travel to very high altitudes of 5000m.

Gracias Alain por organizar y promover eventos deportivos que ayudan a la trascendencia personal de locales y visitantes.

Thank you Alain for organizing and promoting sporting events that help personal transcendence from locals and foreigners.

Algunas vistas de la citadela desde diferentes montañas andinas.

Views of the citadel from different Ande mountain tops.

Durante nuestro recorrido encontramos a varios entusiastas jóvenes, en la foto un grupo internacional de amigos de 4 paises de Create it. Gracias por arreglar nuestra cámara de fotos a nuestro amigo de Trinidad y Tobago.

Along our trail we found many enthusiastic, young tourists. In this picture we found 4 new friends, all from different parts of the worldÑ USA, Trinadad, and Peru, in a group called, "Create it". A young leaders group collaborating on a fair trade documentary. Our friend from Trinidad and Tobago helped fix our camera.

Los Andes de Perú ofrecen una vegetación impresionante, además de un espíritu de paz sin igual.

The peruvian Andes offers amazing vegetation and flowers to go along with a peaceful spirit as well.

Las llamas y alpacas son excelentes cortadoras de grama, hay decenas en toda la citadela.

The llamas and alpacas are excellent grass cutters, their are tons of them all over the citadel.

Grahak y Gabriel portan la antorcha frente a la citadela.

Grahak AND gabriel port the torch in front of the citadel.

Gracias a nuestras amigas japonesas por su entusiasmo y amabilidad.

Thanks to our new friends from Japan for your enthusiasm and kindness.

La naturaleza es una obra de arte, hacen de Machu Picchu un lugar místico en las alturas.

Nature here is a work of art, it makes Machu Picchu a mystic place among the great heights it occupies.

Todo el parque tiene una extensión de 92,175 acres, llenos de cascadas, arboles, flora, fauna y vistas impresionantes.

The whole park has a 92,175 acre extension, full of waterfalls, trees, flora, fauna and beautiful views.

Hay un aire de paz que invita a profundizar y a conectarse internamente.

There's peace in the air that invites on to dive within and connect internally.

Las hojas de Coca, utilizadas para poder copar el mal de altura, es común encontrarlas en hoteles, restaurantes y tiendas.

The Coca leaves, used to cure altitude sickness is easy to find in hotels, restaraunts and stores.

¿Cómo construyeron estas paredes?

How did they bulid these walls? How did these stones get here?

Torch carried by
Gabriel Quentana (Guatemala), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Nivedak Corradini (Italy), Pujari Schaffer (United States), Salil Wilson (Australia), Vettri Angel (Guatemala).  
Vettri Angel
The torch has travelled 18.0 km in Machu Picchu.

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