Qershor 14, 2019 Live from the road

Čičmany - Krásno nad Kysucou

Reported by Danica Cernakova 59.0 km

A warm welcome by the mayor of Rajec Milan Lipka at the main square. Rajec is a mekka for runners - every year one of the most popular marathons in Slovakia is held here. The mayor himself is a runner.

Srdečné privítanie bežcov primátorom mesta Rajec Ing. Milanom Lipkom...na námestí. Rajec je pre nás bežeckou mekou- každý rok sa tu koná jeden z najpopulárnejších maratónov na Slovensku. Sám pán primátor je tiež bežcom.

During our ceremony the marathon runners from Rajec were still on the track - they joined our runners in Rajecka Lesna. We were hoping that they would manage to finish at the square by the end of our ceremony.

Počas našej ceremónie boli na trase ešte Rajeckí maratónski bežci, ktorí sa pridali k našim bežcom v Rajeckej Lesnej. Dúfali sme, že stihnú dobehnúť na námestie, kým sa náš program skončí.

During our presentation, the entertainment was guaranteed for the students of a few primary schools.

Žiaci niekoľkých základných škôl mali na našej prezentácii o zábavu postarané.

The children know how to make fun but also how to dive inside their hearts to find there peace, love and harmony.

Deti sa vedia zabávať, ale aj ponoriť sa do svojho vnútra a hľadať tam mier, lásku a harmóniu.

Every participants really enjoys the travel around the world within one minute - whether they are big or small.

Cesta okolo sveta za 1 minútu každého úžastníka vždy nesmierne baví, či je veľký alebo malý...

A joint photo to say good-bye but with a hope in the heart that we will meet again in the future. We thank the town of Rajec for wonderfully organized event.

Spoločná fotka na rozlúčku, ale s nádejou v srdci, že sa opäť niekedy v budúcnosti uvidíme. Ďakujeme mestu Rajec za perfektne zorganizované stretnutie.

Translation: Human happiness blossoms in peace.

While we were saying good-bye to children from Rajecka Lesna, the marathon runners from Rajec with our runners finished the distance...

Zatiaľ čo sme sa lúčili s deťmi, z Rajeckej Lesnej pribehli Rajeckí maratónski bežci spolu s našimi bežcami...

... but only one of them, Vlado, came to us and enthusiastically accompanied us out of town. During the run he mentioned that he was part of the Peace Run around 9 years ago as a pupil of the primary school which we visited at that time.

...ale iba jeden z nich, Vlado, prišiel za nami a s nadšením nás odprevadil ešte pár kilometrov von z mesta Rajec. Cestou nám prezradil, že sa nášho Mierového behu zúčastnil pred deviatimi rokmi ako žiak ZŠ.

A couple of students from the Primary school in Rajecke Teplice are leading us to their school.

Niekoľko žiakov zo ZŠ v Rajeckých Tepliciach nás priviedli do svojej školy.

Vlado is catching a second breath for the next ceremony... will the phoenix bird coming out of the flame help him awaken his inner strength again?

Vlado chytá druhý dych na ďalšiu ceremóniu...pomôže mu vták ohnivák vychádzajúci z pochodne znova prebudiť vnútornú silu?

Our female runners are enjoying the cultural programme by the students.

Dievčatá si užívajú kultúrny program detí.

And male runners with children pay close attention to the performers.

Aj chlapci s deťmi veľmi pozorne sledujú účinkujúcich.

The children showed their musical talent - we had the impression that we were in an Arts school.

Deti sa predviedli ako skutoční virtuózovia. Mali sme pocit, že sme v nejakej umeleckej škole.

The children also liked our programme and collaborated nicely with us.

Deťom sa veľmi páčil aj náš program, veľmi dobre s nami spolupracovali.

In the flood of enthusiastic travelers around the world who are impatiently waiting for their next stamp to their passports.

V záplave nadšených cestovateľov okolo sveta, ktorí netrpezlivo čakajú na ďalšiu pečiatku do svojich pasov.

New fresh strength from the students of Primary school in Lietavska Lucka gave us the desire to fly.

Nová posila žiakov zo ZŠ z Lietavskej Lúčky nám priniesla chuť lietať.

We felt huge togetherness and friendship among small and big citizens of Lietavska Lucka.

Medzi malými aj veľkými obyvateľmi Lietavskej Lúčky sme cítili veľkú spolupatričnsť a priateľstvo.

We rarely give our team Tshirts to the whole team of supporters but these young sportsmen really deserved it.

Málokedy dávame tričká celému tímu priaznivcov, ale títo mladí športovci si to naozaj zaslúžili.

A wonderful performance by SLLZA musical group who emanated huge optimism and oneness.

Užasné vystúpenie skupiny SLLZA, z ktorého išiel ohromný optimizmus a jednota.

The mayor Ing. Marian Sliviak is pleased to receive our certificate of appreciation and our team Tshirt.

Pán starosta Ing. Marian Sliviak spokojne preberá od nás ďakovný list a tímové tričko.

The principal of the Primary school, Mgr. Daniela Bitusiakova also received the certificate of appreciation together with the artwork by Sri Chinmoy with a theme "Tolerance".

Takisto pani riaditeľka ZŠ Mgr. Daniela Bitušiaková obdržala od nás ďakovný list spolu s umeleckým obrazom od autora Sri Chinmoy s motívom "Tolerancia"

Anybody at any vehicle can join the Peace Run like this young boy during the run through the city Zilina.

K Mierovému behu sa môže pripojiť ktokoľvek na akomkoľvek dopravnom prostriedku - ako tento mladý muž počas behu cez mesto Žilina.

Finally the right portion which our main coordinator truly deserves.

Konečne tá správna porcia, ktorú si náš hlavný koordinátor zaslúži.

Finally a little bit of shade - this is always very welcome during hot days like this one.

Konečne trochu chládku...to padne bežcom veľmi dobre v takom horúcom dni ako tento.

Thanks to huge trees in Budatin park we had another ceremony in a pleasant shade.

Vďaka stromom v Budatínskom parku sme mali aj ďalšiu ceremóniu v chládku.

The runner from Finland got a lot of applause during the ceremonies since Finland recently became the World Champions in ice-hockey held in Slovakia.

Bežec z Fínska zožal počas ceremónií najviac potlesku, keďže sa Fínsko stalo nedávno Majstrom sveta v hokeji, ktoré sa konali na Slovensku.

The youngest member of the city councel, Mgr. Dominik Hriník came to greet our runners as well.

Bežcov prišiel pozdraviť aj najmladší poslanec mesta Žilina Mgr. Dominik Hriník.

The director of the Primary school of Slovak volunteers in Budatin, Mgr. Maria Luptakova, receives our certificate of appreciation.

Pani riaditeľka ZŠ slovenských dobrovoľníkov v Budatíne Mgr. Mária Luptáková preberá nás ďakovný list.

We know exactly where to go to our next stop.

Presne vieme kade máme ísť na ďalšiu zastávku.

The last stop with a ceremony took place in Kysucké Nové Mesto in the presence of the mayor and young sportsmen.

Posledná zastávka s ceremóniou sa konala v Kysuckom Novom Meste v zastúpení pána primátora a mladých športovcov.

The mayor Ing. Marian Mihalda promised that he would run with us next time.

Primátor Ing. Marián Mihalda sľúbil, že si nabudúce s nami zabehne.

All generations were represented and this experienced runner helped us find the best way out of town.

Zastúpené boli všetky generácie a tento skúsený bežec nám pomohol nájsť najlepšiu cestu von z mesta.

One of the conditions to become a member of the Peace Run is to run with us and the torch. And the children did it with big joy.

Jednou z podmienok, aby ste sa mohli stať členmi Mierového behu je si s nami a s pochodňou zabehnúť. A to deti urobili s radosťou.

After a day full of impressions all satisfied we are heading towards the destination of the day, the town of Krasno nad Kysucou.

Po dni plnom zážitkov spokojne mierime do cieľa našej dnešnej etapy mesta Krásno nad Kysucou.

Torch carried by
Amaravati Košúthová (Slovakia), Andrej Višněvský (Czech Republic), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Balavan Thomas (Great Britain), Batzaya Purev (Mongolia), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Diana Muráriková (Slovakia), Emanuels Putans (Latvia), Jatnaban Sinilaine (Finland), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Kuladipa Babusik (Slovakia), Marek Novotny (Slovakia), Monika Muráriková (Slovakia), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Peter Hlac (Slovakia), Peter Spak (Slovakia), Robert Jaros (Slovakia), Tatyana Troyanovych (Russia), Vlado Kulisek (Slovakia), Vladyslav Bilokryl (Ukraine), Zdenko Michalec (Slovakia).  
Apaguha Vesely, Vladyslav Bilokryl
The torch has travelled 59.0 km from Čičmany to Krásno nad Kysucou.

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