Qershor 16, 2019 Live from the road

Bobrov (SK) - Zywiec

Reported by Ondřej Mocný 89.0 km

Our morning started by running across border from Slovakia through hills and villages.

tego ranka zaczelismz bieg przez granice ze Slowacji do Polski przez wzgorza i wsie,

Everybody in high spirits...

Kazdy byl w swietnym nastroju,

...because we headed to lunapark! Since it was Sunday we decided to have a day with less events.

poniewaz zblizalismy sie do lunaparku. Byla niedziela, wiec zdecydowalismy, ze mamy dzien z mniejsza iloscia wydarzen.

Some of the attractions look REALLY scary.

Niektore z atrakcji byly naprawde przerazajace,

And this is how we looked after coming down from it.

A tak wygladalismy po zejsciu z rollercoastera,

Heading straight into another thing. This time on water because the weather was so hot!

A teraz cos innego, tzm razem na wodzie, a pogoda byla naprawde upalna,

Park entertainers were trying really hard to entertain.

Obsluga lunaparku robila wszystko, zeby nas rozbawic,

A friendly dinosaur.

Pryzjacielski dinozaur,,,,

Taming the beast.

Tresowanie bestii.

Totally soaked after water attractions.

jestesmy calkiem przemoczeni po wodnych atrakcjach,

But it wasn't the end.

Lecz to nie bzl koniec,

Very happy!

Bardzo szczesliwi.

This roller coaster was totally epic.

Roolercoaster byl naprawde warty uwagi.

But so scary!

Ale przerazajacy,

Finally we went back to running as it was definitely safer.

Wreszcie powrocilismy do biegania, co bylo znacznie bezpieczniejsze,

We finished in a very green and lush valley in Zywiec.

Dzien zakonczylismy w zielonej dolinie pelnej bujnej roslinnosci, w Zywcu.

Torch carried by
Andrej Višněvský (Czech Republic), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Balavan Thomas (Great Britain), Batzaya Purev (Mongolia), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Emanuels Putans (Latvia), Jan Palasz (Poland), Janusz Wiewior (Poland), Jatnaban Sinilaine (Finland), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Katya Chunzuk (Ukraine), Krzysztof Krawczak (Poland), Oleksii Sykal (Ukraine), Ondřej Mocný (Czech Republic), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Shaivya Rubczynska (Poland), Surangana Fron (Poland), Tatyana Troyanovich (Ukraine), Varunavi Glabnikova (Slovakia), Vinati Docziova (Slovakia), Vladyslav Bilokryl (Ukraine), Zuzana Rybková (Czech Republic).  
Apaguha Vesely, Katya Chunzuk, Vladyslav Bilokryl
The torch has travelled 89.0 km from Bobrov (SK) to Zywiec.

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