Shta. 23, 2019 Live from the road

La Paloma Uruguay September 23 - La Paloma, Uruguay

Reported by Santiva Morrison 2.0 km

We began the day with a beautiful sunrise in La Paloma, Uruguay.
Our day continued with a TV interview on channel 8 and a radio interview en Cadena de la Costa 102.1 FM.

Empezamos el dia con un hermoso amanecer en La Paloma, Uruguay. Nuestro dia continuó con una entrevista de television en el canal 8 y una entrevista de radio en la Cadena de la Costa 102.1 FM.

After the interviews, we were invited to visit El Centro Taller Recreativo where we were welcomed by the founder and director Sandra Cardoso and her volunteers.

Después fuimos invitatos a visitar la escuela Centro Taller Recreativo donde fuimos recibidos por la fundadora y directora del plantel Sandra Cardoso y sus voluntarios.

Sandra enthusiastically gave us a tour of the school. Here she is showing us the nursery, where students come and plant flowers and herbs.

Sandra entusiasmadamente nos dió un recorrido por la escuela. Nos mostró el vivero donde los estudiantes siembran plantas.

The school was founded by Sandra so children and adults with different capacities are able to have a place to learn, socialize and play.

La escuela fué fundada por Sandra para que los niños, jóvenes y adultos con diferentes capacidades tuvieran un lugar donde socializar, aprender y jugar.

Banshidhar explaining to the young audience about the Peace Run.

Banshidhar explicando a los jóvenes acerca de la Carrera por la Paz.

Students trying to guess which country we came from.

Los jóvenes tratando de adivinar de qué pais venimos.

To offer our gratitude to Sandra and her volunteers for their warm welcome and enthusiastic participation, we offered them a certificate of appreciation and art work by the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

Para demostrar nuestra gratitud a Sandra y sus voluntarias por su caluroso recibimiento y entusiasmo, les ofrecimos un certificado de apreciación y una pintura de arte del fundador de La Carrera por la Paz, Sri Chinmoy.

Students and volunteers offered their own wish for world peace.

Estudiantes y voluntarios ofreciendo sus propios deseos por la paz mundial.

To enjoy the beautiful day in La Paloma, we headed outside for a peace walk with the torch through in the surrounding forest.

Para disfrutar del bello dia en la Paloma, salimos a una caminata de paz con la antorcha a travéz del bosque.

Santiva's new little friend.

La nueva amiguita de Santiva.

After the ceremony, we celebrated with a big party of dancing and singing with great karaoke talent.

Después de la ceremonia, celebramos en grande con una fiesta bailando y cantando con gran talento de kareoki.

We would like to thank Sandra and her volunteers for inspiring us with their selfless service to the community. It is special individuals like these that really contribute to bring peace to the world by serving others.
"The heart that gives, receives everything in return". Sri Chinmoy ~

Queremos agradecer a Sandra y sus voluntarias por su servicio desinteresando a la comunidad. Es así como individuos especiales como ellos que realmente nos inspiran ya que contribuyen a traer paz al mundo sirviendo al prójimo.
"El corazón que da, recibe todo a cambio". Sri Chinmoy ~

Torch carried by
Banshidhar Medeiros (United States), Mananya Galante (United States), Santiva Morrison (United States), Savadhan Steele (United States).  
Banshidhar Medeiros
The torch has travelled 2.0 km from La Paloma Uruguay September 23 to La Paloma, Uruguay.

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