Shta. 24, 2019 Live from the road

Arpino - Cassino

Reported by Sukham da Rocha 56.0 km

we were presented with a beautiful weather on our third day of the italian run

Roberto and Marina, our host in Arpino, were sweetness and kindness incarnated... They treated us like their own children-friends....

The Peace Run can also be an interesting context to develop theater skills. Here our runners are training some skits to presented the school students

Mauro Rea, Andrea Sciucca and Fusco Alessandro, great runners from Arpino joined the team to meet the first school and then run to Santopadre

We met the students of Istituto Compreensivo Tullio Cicerone. Tullio Cicerone (Marcus Tullius Cicero), the important consul and philosopher of the Roman Empire, was actually born in Arpino on the third January 106 BC.

While playing the countries guessing games, Pasha, our athlete from New Zealand performed an Haka Mauri Dance and...

...Pranava our Icelandic runner performed is viking scream while...

...Andrea imitated Roger Federer, the famous Swiss tennis champion.

The students loved the small theatrical performances.

We had a wonderful moment in that schooll

With our runner friends we start a 8km running climb to Santopadre

On this shining morning, the olive trees were so beautiful

when we reach the top we were rewarded by a breathtaking landscape...

...and above all, we were blissfully welcomed by the open arms of Santo Padre Pio.

In the colorful markets of this fertile region we can find all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits

Fragrant flowers are everywhere

To run in the Italian "campagna" gave so much joy to our American runner Diksha

In Piedimonte San Germano we met the President of Aprocis Sport Club Antoine Tortolano, coach Daniele Palombo, coach Cus Cassino from sport club Agostino Terranova and their many wonderful young athletes.

We run together 7km to Cassino

Little Francesco was the hero of the run!

We were received by the Mayor of Cassino, Mr Enzo Salera, that presented us with kind an supportive words of encouragement.

After the city hall, we went to Campo Salveti run track and meet with the Atletica Cassino and his famous coach Pino Pecorella.

We finally finished our journey at the Exodus Community of Cassino, where we were given refreshments and a well-deserved an d pleasant accommodation.

Torch carried by
Andrea Marcato (Italy), Diksha Arturi (United States), Pasha Royden (New Zealand), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Salil Wilson (Australia), Satyamurthi Miotello (Italy), Subimal Alfredo De Joannon (Italy), Sukham da Rocha (Portugal), Sumandala Cenni (Italy).  
Diksha Arturi
The torch has travelled 56.0 km from Arpino to Cassino.

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