Shta. 25, 2019 Live from the road

Cassino - Caserta

Reported by Pranava Runar Gigja 77.0 km

Thank you Exodus Community for your generous hospitality

We started our day by meeting the very enthusiastic students at Secondary school G. Conte

They presented us with beautiful performances on the theme of peace, by singing also "We are the world".

Next we ran to istituto Compreensivo Primary school Pio Di Meo

The children enjoyed the guessing game and they got all the countries right.

After a group photo...

...few of the kids ran with the torch to Istituto Medaglia D'Oro High School.

The students of Medaglia D'Oro were waiting our arrival with flags aloft

Some of the students shared with us their ideas of Peace in their own lives and in their community

Our Italian coordinator spoke about the ideals of the Peace Run.

Then they joined our team by running with us, but not before...

...a coffee break!

Proceeding to Caserta

We arrived at Duomo Square in Caserta where we met with the City Youth Minister Maddalena Corvino along with few teachers and kids and representatives of local organizations.

Pasha invoking the Mauri Peace Gods...

Diksha replicating the Statue of Liberty to give the kids a clue where she is from.

Maddalena Corvino was very touched by our Peace Initiative.

handing out cards with Peace Run pictures from others countries

Another of those excellent coffees to the rescue....

In Seventh Heaven of Coffee Bliss

A final picture together, thank you Caserta

Torch carried by
Andrea Marcato (Italy), Diksha Arturi (United States), Pasha Royden (New Zealand), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland), Salil Wilson (Australia), Satyamurthi Miotello (Italy), Subimal Alfredo De Joannon (Italy), Sukham da Rocha (Portugal), Sumandala Cenni (Italy).  
Diksha Arturi
The torch has travelled 77.0 km from Cassino to Caserta.

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