Tet. 13, 2019 Live from the road

Nairobi, Kenya, Shuttle Bus - Arusha

Reported by Garga Chamberlain, Vasanti Niemz 1.0 km

Loading the shuttle bus which took us from Nairobi to Arusha

The drivers have a head for heights!

At a brief stop before the border we were welcomed by both Kenyan and Tanzanian artwork. Elias told us about the problems the Maasai face with the current drought to feed their herds.

We got official permission to cross the border to Tanzania by foot carrying and passing the torch.

These ladies on the border were very (!) keen to sell us local jewelry, but when they found out about the Peace Run they stopped selling long enough to hold the Peace Torch!

Tanzania beckoning us.....

It was exciting to run into a new country after having such a great Peace Run experience in Kenya.

Martina with the flag and Phaedra passing the torch.

We were making new friends as soon as we crossed the border - wherever we go people are eager to hold the Peace Torch.

Vasanti carrying the torch into Tanzania.

Happy Peace Runners on the shuttle bus.

As we approached Arusha the dry savannah gave way to lush and green landscapes in the shadow of the mountains.

We were straight into Peace Run planning mode on arrival in Arusha.

First meeting with Mwamvita O'tieno from the Ministry and Andrew Malilika of Jackpot Safaris, our main organizers of the upcoming Peace Run events in Arusha.

Arusha is known worldwide for its contribution to peace - it's in this city that opposing forces from neighbouring countries have sat down around the table and come to agreements to stop fighting and overcome their differences. Truly a "Peace City"!

Next day walking to the office of Andrew to clarify further details - followed by a visit to the restaurant owned by his wife.

First impressions of Arusha town - 6 years after our Kilimanjaro-Peace Run adventure in 2013.

Modern Maasai....

Arusha is also a vibrant and bustling city - full of life!

Tanzania has 60-70 % Christian denominations and about 30-40 % Muslim - living together peacefully including intermarriage. Christian churches are very active with humanitarian activities.

Andrew, his wife and three daughters sharing the Peace Torch with our team, a pastor and Paulette, a teacher from London who is now teaching near Lake Victoria.

Torch carried by
Garga Chamberlain (Great Britain), Joyce Bunju (Ghana), Manatita Hutchison (Great Britain), Martina Šimoníková (Czech Republic), Phaedra Rosario (United States), Pierre Bell (Cameroon), Vasanti Niemz (Germany).  
Phaedra Rosario, Vasanti Niemz
The torch has travelled 1.0 km from Nairobi, Kenya, Shuttle Bus to Arusha.

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