Shk. 6, 2020 Live from the road

Pamekasan, Madura

Reported by Harashita Sunaoshi 5.0 km

Thanks to District Governor of Rotary 3420 (Indonesia) and our long-term friend and supporter Princess Febri Dipokusumo (right), Peace Run Team had the honour to collaborate with Surabaya Rotary Club in East Java.
Today is the first day of the special 3-day program, and the team paid a visit to Pamekasan Region of Madura Island. Bupati, or Regent of Pamekasan H. Baddrut Tamam, S.Psi (left) warmly welcomed the team.
We are also deeply grateful to Prince Dipokusumo (centre), who has always been so wholeheartedly supportive of the Peace Run.

The Peace Run Team, together with the Rotarians present, were invited to sit inside the Regent's beautiful meeting room for the opening.

We then proceeded to Wisata Api Abadi (Eternal Fire Tourism), where we would have a ceremony with local authorities and children.

Peace Run Executive Director Salil Wilson spoke, and introduced the international team.

Students joyfully took part in guessing the runners' countries of origin.

Dance performance at the Eternal Fire. The fire has been naturally produced here, and people regard it sacred.

The Torch Bearer Award was presented to the Regent, with a Jharna-Kala painting by the Peace Run founder Sri Chinmoy.

President of Pamakasan Interfaith Forum Mr. KH Muid Khozin (left) receives a plaque from the Rotary Club. We could visit his school later on.

The Peace Torch was formally lit from one of the flames coming out from the ground.

The procession started a peace walk from the venue, cheered by many local spectators.

We then visited a local school for a ceremony.

Two peace trees were planted: in the name of Head of Rotary Club,

...and the other one in the name of Regent of Pamekasan.

We then reached local landmark Alun-Alun Arek Lankor Pamekasan, where local students, musicians, police & army runners were waiting for us.

Together we joyfully ran back to where our journey started: The Regent's office.

Several group photos were taken with different organizations that took part in today's event.

Salil was interviewed by a number of local media.

Our final visit for the day was Muslim boarding school Darulakhlaq.

With Surabaya Rotary Club members (in red). They were extremely helpful, and were such joyful companions throughout the day.

We were invited into the hall, where teachers and students had been seated and waiting. We were treated with some local fruits and snacks. A very family-like feeling.

Mr. KH Muid Khozin, Chairman of the school foundation, kindly welcomed the team.

These boys' musical performance was both soulful and dynamic.

Wherever we went, they had a big banner with all the collaborating agencies.

Fun time with the students passing the Torch, singing and talking afterwards.

In the evening, we had the honour to meet Mr. KH Zahrul Azhar, popularly known as Gus Han among Surabayans. He is the President of Football for Peace Indonesia. We shared our hopes and dreams for peace.

Torch carried by
Adhiratha Keefe (United States), Agraha Levine (United States), Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Diksha Arturi (United States), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Harashita Sunaoshi (Japan), Kanyaka Arini (Indonesia), Nikolaus Drekonja (Austria), Nyoman Sukerta (Indonesia), Pragati Pascale (United States), Prince Dipokusumo (Indonesia), Princess Febri Dipokusumo (Indonesia), Putu Ekawati (Indonesia), Salil Wilson (Australia), Subimal Alfredo De Joannon (Italy), Suhasini Septiarini (Indonesia), Urdhacheta Yap (Singapore).  
Accompanied by  
Dr. Davidson Hepburn, Jaya Prabha
Subimal Alfredo De Joannon, Urdhacheta Yap
The torch has travelled 5.0 km in Pamekasan, Madura.

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