Mars 2, 2020 Live from the road


Reported by Alakananda Lebedev, Florbela Caniceiro, Jeni Borges, Ricardo Mota 3.0 km

Just like in a fairy tale, we arrived at the Palace of Belém in Lisbon, and we were inspired by it's beauty ...

Como num conto de fadas, chegamos ao Palácio de Belém, e inspiramo-nos na sua beleza ...

... and its history.

... e na sua história.

This moment was an historic moment for the Peace Run, and was made possible by excellent team work. Our deep gratitude to Maria João Ruela.

Para o momento seguinte se revelar histórico houve a contribuição de uma excelente equipa. A nossa profunda gratidão à Maria João Ruela.

Jorge Pina, one of the Peace Run Ambassadors, was interviewed by Sport TV. Jorge Pina is famous in Portugal. He is a paralympic athlete who represented Portugal in the marathon in Beijing 2008, London 2012 and Rio de Janeiro 2016. He has a foundation in Portugal that works very hard to motivate children from deprived backgrounds to develop their happiness and self confidence through sports. In his younger days he was a champion boxer, but due to an accident while sparring in which he lost his eyesight, he has become a paralympic marathon runner. He has an indomitable spirit and a personality that brings happiness and energy wherever he goes.

Jorge Pina, um dos Embaixadores da Peace Run, a ser entrevistado pela Sport TV.

Salil Wilson, Peace Run Executive Director, gave a short introduction.

Salil Wilson - Diretor Executivo da Peace Run - faz a apresentação da Corrida da Paz.

The President of the Republic of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, welcomed the Peace Run delegation and joined numerous Heads of State, such as Nelson Mandela and Mikhail Gorbachev in supporting this initiative. His words echo the universal call to Peace from inspiring men and women around the world.

O Presidente da República Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa dá as Boas-Vindas à comitiva da Peace Run e junta-se ao role de Chefes de Estado que já apoiaram esta iniciativa, tais como Nelson Mandela ou Mikhail Gorbachev.

"Fighting for peace is a daily race", said the President.

"Lutar pela paz é a corrida de todos os dias" refere o Presidente da República.

The President of the Republic took the time to greet each of the athletes individually.

O Presidente da República faz questão de cumprimentar individualmente cada um dos atletas.

Sharing joy and enthusiasm.

Distribuindo alegria e entusiasmo.

Maribel from Guatemala offered the President a Sport and Meditation book written by the Founder of the Relay, Sri Chinmoy.

Maribel da Guatemala oferece ao Presidente da República o livro "Sport and Meditation" escrito pelo Fundador da Corrida, Sri Chinmoy.

Of the thousands of paintings created by Sri Chinmoy, a reproduction of Perfection was offered as it reflects the perfection of this moment that touched the hearts of everyone present. This painting belongs to a vast body of work created by Sri Chinmoy, which he called Jharna Kala - Fountain Art.

Das milhares de pinturas criadas por Sri Chinmoy, é oferecida uma réplica do Jharna Kala "Perfection" pois reflete a perfeição deste momento que tocou o coração de todos os presentes.

This was the moment when the Flame of Peace came to life.

Este foi o momento em que a Chama da Paz ganhou vida.

With all his charisma, President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa lit the Torch of Peace, officially starting the 2020 Peace Run.

Com todo o seu carisma o Presidente da República Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa acende a Tocha da Paz, dando início oficial à Peace Run, que irá percorrer 36 países da União Europeia numa epopeia de mais de 16.000 kms, durante 7 meses.

We ended the ceremony outside the Palace of Belém by taking a photo that we will cherish forever.

No final tiramos uma foto para a posteridade já na zona exterior do Palácio de Belém!

The President of the Republic then accompanied the team leaving the Palace of Belém ...

O Presidente da República acompanha a equipa na saída do Palácio de Belém ...

... and unexpectedly ... chose to leave the Palace along with the runners. The plan had been that he would wave goodbye to the runners at the Palace gates, but he continued to walk with the Torch of Peace through the streets of Belém! President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa is famous in Portugal for being spontaneous, which keeps his bodyguards always on their toes. He is an excellent swimmer, and also a runner, and a true example of an indomitable spirit dedicated to health, happiness and peace.

... e inesperadamente :) ... sai do Palácio, erguendo a Tocha da Paz, pelas ruas de Belém ...

In the good company of future Peace Advocates - the children of the world.

... ladeado por futuros promotores da Paz.

The moment of farewell. If there are political leaders who can change the world for the better, the President of the Republic of Portugal is, without a doubt, one of them. Our deepest gratitude!

O momento da despedida! Se há líderes políticos que podem mudar o mundo para melhor, sem dúvida que o Presidente da República de Portugal é um deles! O nosso muito obrigado!

The 4th National Republican Guard Horse Squadron escorted the team through the streets of Lisbon, raising aloft the Peace Torch.

O 4.º Esquadrão a Cavalo da GNR que escoltou a equipa erguendo meritoriamente a Tocha da Paz.

A big thank you to the police who escorted the Peace Run through the streets of Lisbon. The Peace Run is not just about the runners: there is a large team of people from various occupations, who make these events possible.

Our thanks to Fragrance of the Heart Restaurant in Oeiras for the amazing lunch they offered to the team. Napoleon Bonaparte said, "An army marches on its stomach", meaning that an army cannot move forward without good food in their bellies. The Peace Run heroes, who are 'fighting' for Peace, also need plenty of good sustinence for the long miles ahead.

O nosso agradecimento ao Restaurante Fragrance of the Heart, em Oeiras, pelo divino almoço que ofereceram à equipa.

On the streets of the Capital, Lisbon, with a big smile :)

Nas ruas da capital, Lisboa, com um grande sorriso :)

... proudly carrying the flags of 22 nations represented by the athletes.

... hasteando bem alto as bandeiras das 22 nacionalidades dos atletas presentes.

"Let me feel peace" :)

"Deixa-me sentir a paz :)"

The Raíz´ school students welcomed us with a beautiful song, We are the World, and offered us a message of a better world. What a promising way to begin this year's Peace Run!

Os alunos da Escola Raíz receberam-nos com uma bonita música alusiva à Paz ... "We are the World" ... e deixaram-nos uma mensagem de "um mundo melhor". Uma auspiciosa maneira de começar a Peace Run!

"I'm feeling Peace inside my heart."

"Estou a sentir a Paz dentro do coração"

Peace is friendship and joy!

Paz é amizade e alegria!

"Is that the Peace Torch?"

"Aquela é a Tocha da Paz?"

"I'm feeling joy and Peace!"

"Estou a sentir alegria e Paz!"

This is one of the paintings produced by the children to celebrate the visit of the Peace Run to their school.

After the visit to Raíz´ school, we began our route to the Restelo stadium

Depois da visita à Escola Raíz iniciámos o nosso trajecto até ao Estádio do Restelo ...

..There is a scientific law: "What goes up, must come down". Here we discover that after a downhill, there is always an uphill..

... depois de uma descida há sempre uma subida :)

... where the beautiful Jerónimos Monastery is visible.

... com o Mosteiro do Jerónimos no nosso horizonte.

The joy of carrying the Peace Torch.

A alegria de transportar a Tocha da Paz ...

We arrived at the Restelo stadium

... na nossa chegada ao Estádio do Restelo, com direito a volta olímpica.

Joy was in the air ...

A alegria pairava no ar ...

... and inner peace in the hearts of the children.

... e a paz interior no coração das crianças.

"I am next!" Volunteering to hold the torch.

"Eu sou a seguir!"

"They've been with the Torch in so many countries !!! Wow!"

"Já estiveram com a Tocha em tantos países!!! Uaauu!"

"... and so many people have already held the Torch of Peace ... look at Rui Costa .... and even Pope Francis!!!!"

"... e tantas pessoas ja seguraram na Tocha da Paz ... olha o Rui Costa .... e até o Papa Francisco !!!!"

In the game "Peace or No Peace" Devashishu pushes Gonçalo to win the race. Is it peace? No!

No jogo "paz" ou "não paz" o Devashishu empurra o Gonçalo para ganhar a corrida. Será que é paz? Não!!!!!

... and now? Friends help Maria João .... PEACE!

... e agora? As amigas ajudam a Maria João .... PAZ!

In the end, the Runners presented the International Peace Run Certificate, which attests that the Raíz´ School will continue to work for world peace.

No final foi entregue o Certificado Internacional da Peace Run que atesta que a Escola da Raíz trabalhará para a paz mundial!

Final photo of the Peace Run Runners with children and teachers of Escola Raíz in the iconic Estádio do Restelo.

Foto final dos Corredores da Paz com as crianças e professores da Escola Raíz no emblemático Estádio do Restelo.

The time has come to say goodbye!

Chegou o momento de dizer adeus!

Jorge Pina, a born fighter! A good heart and a brave soul!

Jorge Pina, um lutador nato!

And so we ended our visit to Belém ...

E assim terminamos a nossa visita a Belém ...

... and headed to Ericeira ...

... e seguimos para a Ericeira ...

... where we were lucky to see a breathtaking sunset. What a perfect day!

... onde tivemos o previlégio de ver o Pôr do Sol. "What a perfect day!"

Torch carried by
Alakananda Lebedev (United States), Anita Costa (Portugal), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Ely Neves (Portugal), Florbela Caniceiro (Portugal), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Glória Maribela (Guatemala), Goncalo Rei (Portugal), Gordana Petrovčić (Croatia), Horst Sykora (Austria), Isabel Ramos (Portugal), Jeni Borges (Portugal), Liana Tibaquira (Colombia), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Maralika Karl-Schurian (Austria), Maria João Melo (Portugal), Natabara Rollosson (United States), Nivedak Corradini (Italy), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Paula Correia (Portugal), Raquel Pina (Portugal), Rathya Karl (Austria), Ricardo Mota (Portugal), Salil Wilson (Australia), Silvia Carvalho (Portugal), Simone Tomé (Switzerland), Sukham da Rocha (Portugal), Tiago Freitas (Portugal), Vera Marques (Portugal), Vitor Oliveira (Portugal), Vítor Silva (Portugal), Zuzana Rybková (Czech Republic).  
Apaguha Vesely, Paramanyu Lebedev
The torch has travelled 3.0 km in Lisbon.

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