Prill 27, 2020 Live from the road

Sarajevo - Struga

Reported by Amur Bašić, Devashishu Torpy 511.0 km

The European Peace Run continues its journey today - a virtual Peace Run around Europe. We will not carry a torch, but we will be carrying the flame and the spirit of the Peace Run in our hearts as we run. The message of the Peace Run is Oneness, and at this time of isolation, we value our connection with the world-family even more strongly. This 'virtual' Peace Run is dedicated to the health, happiness and prosperity of the entire world family.

Children in Bosnia carry lighted candles for Peace.

The Peace Run will start running again in Bosnia.

We will start (virtually) in the city of Sarajevo and in our first week cover 511 kms through Bosnia, Montenegro and Albania to the border of North Macedonia.

There will be some hilly terrain.

In Sarajevo in 2018, First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Šefik Džaferović, greets the Peace Run inside the Parliament building.

Amur (right) is our Bosnian Peace Run coordinator, and he will be organising local Bosnian runners to participate in the run. Runners will run on their own, where they live, respecting social distancing regulations and other Government guidelines.

Slobodanka is one of the local Bosnian runners.

Devashishu will be the Captain of the International Team this week. Each international runner will run in their home country. All their miles will be added together along with the local Bosnian team miles, to cover the daily distance. Devashishu is from Great Britain, and will be running his miles in Oxford.

The Peace Run team of 2018, enjoying a traditional coffee in old town Sarajevo.

Paramanyu from Kaliningrad is on the International Team.

Tirtha is representing Germany.

Running along the Albanian coast in 2018

Stacey is representing New Zealand, and will be running her kilometres in Canberra, Australia.

Robert is our fleet of foot Hungarian runner. Here we see him multi-tasking.

Mena will be running her kilometres in her home village near Nancy, France.

Children in Albania who greeted the Peace Run in 2018.

Asprihanal: the flying Finn. Asprihanal is an ultra marathon champion from Finland. He has competed in the annual Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race in New York 14 times, winning it 7 times. With Asprihanal on the team, we don't expect to be having any problems completing the kilometres.

Goncalo is a student from Portugal, where he will be running his miles.

Nidhruvi is from Vienna, Austria. She is one of the pioneers in women's ultra day running. She has also completed the famous Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race in New York.

Danica is from Slovakia, where she will be running.

We bumped into Captain America last time we were in Albania. I wonder if he is virtually still there.

Angikar is from Nis in Serbia. He was a champion runner in his youth, and went on to swim the English Channel. This week, he's putting his running shoes back on to run through the Balkans.

A large Peace Run team on the peak of Mount Lovćen in Montenegro in 2017.

Zuzka is an ultra runner from the Czech Republic. The final member of our team is Richika from Bulgaria - her photo will be here soon. Other runners around the world will be running miles every day dedicated to the Peace Run.

Amazing scenery can be found everywhere in Montenegro.

Sri Chinmoy founded the Peace Run 33 years ago, on April 27th 1987. We are very happy to honour his service to the World, by running on this anniversary.

Sri Chinmoy's message of Peace for all people and all nations, has inspired many people around the globe. Here in Europe, the Peace Run was embraced by Mother Teresa.

Pope John Paul ll blessed the torch.

Queen Elizabeth ll lights a beacon in 1995, on VE Day, to celebrate 50 years of Peace in Europe.

The Peace Run has been celebrated at many famous landmarks in Europe. Here there is an international gathering at the Colosseum in Rome.

Para-Olympic athlete, Jorge Pina from Portugal, lights a beacon with the Peace Run torch in Madeira at the annual Youth Games.

The Peace Run has been bringing people together in the spirit of friendship and Oneness for 33 years now.

The Grand Finish of the European Peace Run in 2017 in Minsk, Belarus.

The Peace Run has visited more than 160 countries around the globe.

Earlier this year, the European Peace Run was opened by the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. We ran through Portugal and Spain, but then had to stop running due to the emergency situation with the Pandemic. Now we will continue. We may not be able to run together physically, but we can run with each other in spirit.

The European Peace Run 2020 will finish in Prague in October, having virtually run through all European nations.

May the flame of Peace burn ever brighter!

Torch carried by
Amur Bašić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Angikar Djordjevic (Serbia), Bosnian Runners (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Devashishu Torpy (Great Britain), Goncalo Rei (Portugal), Mena Seguy (France), Nidhruvi Zimmermann (Austria), Paramanyu Lebedev (Russia), Pekka Aalto (Finland), Robert Benedek (Hungary), Stacey Marsh (New Zealand), Tirtha Voelkner (Germany), Zuzana Rybková (Czech Republic).  
Paramanyu Lebedev
The torch has travelled 511.0 km from Sarajevo to Struga.

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