Qershor 8, 2020 Live from the road

Dvur Kralove - Klaipeda

Reported by Devashishu Torpy 804.0 km

Members of the virtual International Peace Run team send greetings to Poland and Kaliningrad, through which they will be running this week.

The members of the Slovakian Peace Run team send out a message of gratitude to everyone who participated in their virtual Peace Run, June 1-7 2020.

This past week, June 1 -7, the virtual Peace Run was running through Slovakia. Here we see our team of Slovakian runners crossing the border.

The capital city of Bratislava. In the background, on the left, is the famous Bratislava Castle. The castle features in the first written reference to the city of Bratislava, which appears in the Annals of Salzburg of 907, in association with a battle between Bavarians and Hungarians. The castle hill was populated as early as the late Stone Age; its first known inhabitants were the Celts, who founded a fortified settlement here called ‘Oppidum’.

Slovakia in the summertime.

Padyatra is the Slovakian Peace Run coordinator.

Fields of poppies.

Mahasatya is the Polish representative on the International team. He reports: "AAARGGGH". A Polish pirate?

Pratul lives in Norway, where he can explore limitless trails for panoramic runs.

East Slovakia

Peter Spak is on the Slovakian team.

Savyasachi is from the United States, but has been spending the lockdown in The Netherlands. Savyasachi has been staying in Den Haag (The Hague). He reports: "Plenty of parks in Den Haag. We have an underground waterflow that springs up at many locations creating parks all around. Apparently Den Haag is the city in western Europe with most green space within the city borders".

"We actually made it to Slovakia", Savyasachi writes. Technically it's true. This is the Slovakian Embassy in The Hague.

The Hague in the Netherlands.

Holland - country of flowers!

Social distancing - same problem everywhere.

Savyasachi and Pradeep. "Welcome to Clingendael, voted the 3rd nicest park in Holland. Full of beautiful flowers and ponds. Just a few minutes from our home"

Pradeep took these pictures of the beach.

Danica reports: "Many people could see our Peace Torch and they were smiling at us, waving us, some of them even held the Torch and put some nice wishes into its Flame. It was beautiful experience for us to be able to spread again the message of peace, oneness and joy among people in Bratislava. We felt extremely grateful for the possibility to do it, since the situation in our country became very good and many restrictions were released. It gives us hope for a better tomorrow...Finally we were even able to meet with our sisters and brothers of Czech republic and personally pass the Peace Torch into their beautiful country. Our Czechoslovakian hearts again beat together".

Danica is on the Slovakian team. She reports: The Virtual Peace Run through Slovakia exceeded our expectations, because more people participated and contributed their kms than we had expected. Runners who could not participate in previous years, for different reasons, now had their chance and clocked up their kms enthusiastically. In the end we ran together as if through the whole Slovakia, because we had runners in the East of Slovakia, in the middle and also in the West. Our last day of Peace Run in Slovakia we had a special run together as a team with the Peace Torch. For the first time after some months of our solo runs, we ran together 10kms along the river Danube. (report continued under next picture)

Bratislava under a dramatic sky (Photo by Vlado).

Petr Hlac is from Kosice in the east of Slovakia. Here he is, looking for inspiring things on his run.


Mahanidi lives in Milan, Italy.

Create your own Peace Torch!

Looking for a new route to run, Mahanidi discovers 'Via Pace', Peace Street!

He also discovers a new friend on the road.

Vlado Kulisek is a well known mime in Slovakia. He has entertained children around the world on the Peace Run.

Cliff has been running in his hometown of Johannesburg. Penny, his wife, was on the Peace Run the previous week.

Ilvaka is from the Czech Republic. She is an accomplished ultra runner.

Balavan is a Chi Running Instructor in London, England.

Families in London and around the world show their support for the amazing work being done by front line workers during this difficult time.

Balavan's clients in Fulham: Tom and Chandra with their daughters Asheema and Paromita. As a child, Chandra went to school at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, India. That is the same place that the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy, attended. It was ground breaking in its approach to creating Peace through meditation, selfless service and sports.

Katka and Erika are on the Slovakian team.

Vlado the great!

Ushika did his running in Salzburg. Ushika is also an accomplished ultra runner.

Litaf has been running in Finland. She reports: "In Finland we have good weather today, I am running in a forest park among beautiful Finnish nature. So many people want to be healthy and they run, walk and they ride a bike. I am running, and we greet each other, just "good morning" and "what a nice day".

"Horses from a riding school walk on the green grass".

Litaf from Finland reports: " There is a sprinter here – a hare. When I run it also runs through the forest parallel to my direction. He runs faster and soon overtakes me. I see him ahead on the road and now he is running towards me and does not see me. We quickly get closer, the hare looks up, sees me and jumps up, then he runs into the forest. After a short time, he again rushes along the road to meet me. And everything is repeated - jump up and into the forest! These are so joyful meetings on the road of the Peace Run".

Dusan is on the Slovakian team.

Suparna lives in Vienna.Here she is by a Peace Tree. Suparna ran 75 kms this week. Other Oneness-Team runners include: Natashira from France 38 kms, Makula from Ukraine 45 kms, Jatnabhan from Vienna 64 kms, Luciana from Rome 15.5 kms, Paksharupa from Torino 23 kms.

Walter from Munich was on the International team and sent us these photos.

Messages of Peace in Munich, Germany.

Torch carried by
Anita Ramljak (Croatia), Balavan Thomas (Great Britain), Clifford Kian (South Africa), Gesiane Nascimento (Brazil), Gianluca Marangon (Croatia), Helen Beyer (Germany), Ilvaka Němcová (Czech Republic), Litaf Yevdorimova (Finland), Mahanidhi Amantea (Italy), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland), Mukul Fishman (Israel), Peter Hlac (Slovakia), Pradeep Hoogakker (Netherlands), Pratul Halper (Austria), Purnendu Knezevic (Serbia), Roxana Magdici (Romania), Sadanand Magee (Ireland), Savyasachi Brown (United States), Silvia Di Nunzio (Italy), Slovakian Runners (Slovakia), Tarit Stott (Great Britain), Usika Muckenhumer (Austria), Varunavi Klabnikova (Switzerland), Visuddhi Trummer (Austria), Walter Lehensteiner (Germany).  
Apaguha Vesely, Paramanyu Lebedev
The torch has travelled 804.0 km from Dvur Kralove to Klaipeda.

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